I started chatting to kill some more time as it was only 7pm. There was a nice filipino lady telling me how she was worked here for 17 years. I told her I have many filipino friends in Toronto. Then I left as she was being distracted by other guests so couldnt chat
The airport bus back was across the road but I decided to go a stop further so I could get a seat at the top front of the double decker bus. I went to the star ferry terminal where the buses start but the airport bus didnt come there. There was a sign to goto new world centre.
So I was trying to figure out where that was and to make my way back. There was another grand hotel across the road called 1881 which had a giant carriage as a christmas display.
Eventually I found the bus stop by new world centre but the airport bus wasnt coming. I figured out on the schedule it was every 15 mins and this was in fact not the start of the line so I might not get the front seat I wanted at the top of the bus.
Eventually it came and my seat was empty. Good job as the bus filled up at the next stop on Nathan Road which is where I was supposed to get on. As we drove thru Mongkok which has all the street lights it started to drizzle so I couldnt get good pics.
Back at the airport I went to cash in my octopus card and got my $50 HKD ($6) deposit back minus $7 charge ($.85 cents). I didnt remember bus fares being that cheap from my first trip as I never had to top up my card in three days.
Then I went over to a dragonair desk and told him I have a 2.30am flight and was able to check in hours early. He kept asking to see my korean residency card, like they had in china, which wasnt really necessary since I'm travelling on a canadian passport so have visa free entry whenever I want.
The waiting lounge had many people stretched out trying to get some sleep before the 2.30am departure. After boarding and take off I just wanted to sleep. Instead they insisted on serving a really nice meal, with haagan das ice cream. I would have appreciated it more if it wasnt 3am and if the lady wasnt asking everyone if they would like some lunch!!
They should have held this back as a breakfast before landing. At busan I was able to cash the $750 HKD I had left ($90). The first bus to daegu was 7.30am but the counter didnt open till 7.10am. I stood first in line to hold my place as this bus is usually full. Eventually I got my ticket, boarded the bus, and slept most of the way back. Then I got a cab home as I was tired and was home just after 9am saturday morning.
I had perfect weather on this trip. It was 22 degrees everyday, compared to koreas low single digits and winter clothes. Last time I came a massive typhoon hit. My umbrella was pulled inside out and shredded.
Even when the plane was on the tarmac to leave that time it was shaking so much in the wind just sitting on the ground, and when was airborne it kept being tossed around and people were screaming. This time we had a very smooth ride.
This was my second trip to hong kong since 2008 and I really enjoyed it. Both times I went for three days and I still havent seen everything. This time I was able to see Macau as there was a typhoon in 2008. I really loved it there, the history and architecture was so beautiful.
Like Incheon Korea and Kobe Japan you have these colonial pockets that transport you back to a bygone european era and you completely forget this is even asia. I would certainly love to go back to macau and spend more time seeing the casinos and european buildings. I just read they have the Venetian casino with gondola rides that I didnt get to see.
Hong Kong and Macau is somewhere I will definately try to go again while I have the opportunity living in asia.