Plaza Vieja, Camara Oscura

Sunday, February 05, 2017
Havana, Cuba

Wandering back towards Plaza Vieja where my guesthouse was is an apartment building in one corner where you can pay $2P to take an elevator to the roof. I thought this was just a rooftop terrace but turned out to be quite interesting. 


There was an enclosed room on the roof where I was told to sit and wait. I didnt know what for and her explanation wasnt clear but I was tired and took the opportunity to sit and have a snack from my bag. 


We were then led into a darkened room with a circular centre table.  The building actually houses an observatory and we had a 5 min presentation steering it around to various landmarks in the town centre.  


Here is a short youtube video

Havana Plaza Vieja - Camara Oscura

I then spent some time on the roof, now more familiar with the landmarks having done some walking this afternoon. 


There were panorama views looking down over Plaza Vieja. 


After coming down I really needed to find food as I hadnt eaten since my flight except for snacks. All the restaurants were packed and I tried looking at one menu but couldnt figure out if it would be filling enough for me. 

There was a street vendor selling corn but the line was long and wasnt moving. Then some guy said something to me in Spanish and went ahead of me. I'm not sure why he jumped the queue in front of me so I waited my turn and made sure no-one else pushed in front. 

After getting some energy from the corn for $0.50P another vendor was selling fried sugar crisps for $2P. Tired after my long first day I made my way back to my Casa. Tomorrow my formal group tour would begin and we would be driving out of Havana. 


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