Royal Naval Dockyard

Monday, June 18, 2018
Ireland Island North, Sandys Parish, Bermuda
Having arrived at the Royal Naval Dockyard at the west end of Bermuda we first made our way to the National Museum of Bermuda housed in a fort complex. Entrance was $15 USD. When she asked where we were from we advised we were real tourists that made the effort to come here and not just nearby cruise ship passengers. 
This end of the island is much more commercial and touristic being a port for the cruise ships of which two were in dock. 
After walking around the grounds in the heat we made our way inside. 
The museum was housed inside the Commissioners House
It told various stories such as Portuguese settlers from the Azores and the slave trade. 
The upper floor had the state rooms and views from the terrace with cool breezes. 
In the lower floor was more exhibits of modern wartime and contributions in both world wars, of which Bermuda had nothing to do with but was dragged in by its colonial parent as were all the colonies. 
Bermuda was also used as a penal colony so it talked of idleness on the island
The outer buildings housed more exhibition halls. 
Finally to the rear was a section where you can pay extra to swim with dolphins 
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