It's Getting Close!

Friday, September 18, 2015
Houston, Texas, United States
tj here...It's less than a week away till our annual Baylor Buds trip! This is a special year. We will be celebrating 40 years of friendship, and what better way to celebrate than to go to the Napa Wine Valley for 5 days of wine (duh!), food, shopping and pampering! Everything has been scheduled including dinners, wine tour and spa treatments. All we have to do is show up and let the fun and pampering begin!

We've all come a long way since that summer of '75. Three unworldly girls, not really understanding quite yet what life was all about. Oh my! The experiences we shared over the next two years living in Waco and thinking we knew it all. We were all so different but yet so much alike. Mary a redhead from West Texas, Debbie a blonde from Central Texas, and Tonja a brunette from the Texas Gulf Coast. Somehow we bonded and that friendship has never wavered.

We've had a lot of ups and downs during those 40 years. Financial problems, health issues, doomed relationships, and the hardest - loss of loved ones. Throughout it all, we've stood steadfast through the tough times and rejoiced in the good times. We can go a long time without seeing each other; and when we do, it's like we're 18 again. Well. Maybe not quite. Like when we get up from a chair and we have to take 10 steps before we reach a comfortable gait. There's those little pesky gray hairs and wrinkles that seem to multiply every year too. Aw, but those are minor challenges in the big scheme of things.  

So here we are looking forward to our Napa adventure together. I'm sure Deb is packed down to every little detail. Mare has packed in her mind. And then there's me who will be packing the night before...even though I have the most time to spend on it. And if I tried to figure it out in my mind this early, there is NO WAY I could remember what I came up with by next week! 

SOOOO looking forward to our time together!
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VERY well put, dear friend. We have indeed been through so much together over the last 40 years. The cool thing about it (besides the fact NONE of us look a day older) is that each year when we meet,and we do meet each and every year, we don't skip a beat and get right to the best times and friendships anyone could ever have. The two of you are more special to me than you will ever know and I treasure the true bond/connections we have and continue to share through the years. In my mind I am toasting US and the good times we will have in Napa. Until next Thursday girls - cheers!


Thank you, TJ, our tech savvy friend, for getting this blog up and running! I am so blessed to have both of you in my life and I cherish our friendship so very much. Can't believe we've known each other for 40 years and wow have the years flown by! Our first summer in North Russell seems like yesterday. Thank you both for always being there in the good times and the difficult times. Life has been interesting and fun and we have so many memories to cherish. And we continue to make more memories as we embark on new adventures. I am so looking forward to this Napa trip and the time we will spend together talking, laughing, eating, shopping, sipping wine and getting pampered. And I'm looking forward to many more friends' trips in the NEXT 40 years--even if they are trips on wheels!


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