Yountville, You were Wonderful!

Monday, September 28, 2015
Yountville, California, United States
Deb here: Today came too quickly. We got up before the first ray of daylight (6:00 a.m.), got showered and dressed and went down to our favorite Villiagio dining and watering hole. Of course we had to start breakfast off with our signature Bloody Mary (sure is easy to get used to those things!) and dined on omelets and some sort of hard-to-spell and even harder-to-say Mexican dish*. The hot air balloons were in full flight this morning and even caught a photo op as one was flying directly overhead (see pic!!). We then went back to our room and finished up the packing and checking out process. Our driver was there ready and waiting so we took off for the City By the Bay and the airport. It only took us about an hour and 45 minutes this time so it was much quicker getting back to the airport. I have to wonder if part of the problem for what seemed like such a long drive out to the Napa Valley area was that we were so anxious to get there and start our fun time together??

*tj note: Each day, the hotel served a different version of chilaquiles
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