Goodbye is Always Hard

Monday, September 28, 2015
San Francisco, California, United States
Deb here: After much time spent planning and dreaming, our 40th anniversary friends' trip is coming to a close. We arrived at the airport in plenty of time for our flight. I was dropped off at Terminal 1 (Delta's terminal) and TJ and Mare tooted on over to Terminal 3 for their United flight. After checking my at-the-50 pound-limit bag, I power walked over to their terminal to spend some more quality time together. We worked our way over to the United Club to rehydrate (it had been 3 hours, after all) and get some much needed nourishment - again....3 hours people!! Lucky for Mare and me we were traveling with a pro, so we were admitted into that exclusive club as TJ's guests. 2 glasses of wine each for them and 1 vodka-and-something later, we were on our way to their gate. I, of course, had to escort them there since one last and final goodbye selfie was in order! Goodbyes said and promises to write (text, of course) were made as I waved my near-and-very-dear good friends goodbye. 

 Now it was time to power walk my way back to 1 and our proud Delta terminal! After checking in with my wonderful and understanding husband-and making sure he still remembered me, I got in line to board my flight . Not sure what happened at the check-in line, but we were about 30 minutes late taxiing off. Finally got onboard and all settled and am on my way back to Hotlanta! I am sitting directly behind the potty so drinking (switching over to non-alcohol beverages now) will definitely commence!! The pilot told us we would be flying directly over the Golden Gate Bridge and then my much beloved Lake Tahoe so I am signing off now to be on the look-out. You can't see too much of either one of these sites in my opinion - especially when the window seat passenger decides to lower the shade - Grrrrr!!

Got bored and decided to watch a movie - "Home". It was a cute animated show with Jim Parsons (Big Bang) voice as the main character. I actually got very choked up at the end and thought I was going to sob. Pretty sad when a grown (& elderly, according to TJ) woman gets that emotional over an animated movie! Long flight but it went fairly quickly - once I gained my composure. Ready to land in Atlanta now and see my favorite husband at the curb. I guess this ends the travel blog and I have to admit I am a bit sad. What a great idea it was, TJ!!! I guess I need to give some credit too to Travis and Ashely for doing a honeymoon blog. Y'all definitely rocked it!

Many, many, MANY thanks again to the two bestest friends in the whole wide world for continuing on our yearly tradition. I really appreciated the private driver/town car - BIG thanks to Mark for doing that for us. Big thanks too to Mare for the gift of the fabulous wine tour - it was phenomenal not to mention SO much fun. You guys are fabulous friends and I cherish you both - along with the many memories we have made and will continue to make! Lots of love and hugs. Deb out!
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