April 27-28, 2022
We went right out for an evening walk to make the most of our short time in Rome. The 47 Boutique Hotel is directly across the Tiber River from Trastevere, an area full of fun restaurants, alleys and bars.
The weather was beautiful, cool and clear; the squares and patio tables were full, and there were long lines at some places. It felt so good to be there! We had decided that we had to eat gelato daily, so we had our first one before finding dinner! Karen got stracciatella and mango and I got pear with fresh ricotta. OMG.
After more wandering, we chose a restaurant off a busy alley and ordered the Carciofi alla giudia, a deep fried artichoke specialty in Rome, some pasta and vino blanco. The artichokes are in season and we had never had it like this. You eat the whole leaf which is crisp and lightly salted with the tender heart at the tip. Yum! We had a nice chat with a young couple – she was actually Russian so of course we discussed the war.
She talked about the decades long disinformation by state run media and how many of her contemporaries had been arrested for protesting. It was inspiring to chat with such a smart and informed pair and of course it was nice that we shared political views.
We had to meet our tour at 10 AM so the next morning we were up early to eat a great breakfast spread, then power walked to the Trevi Fountain because, well, you know – when in Rome! We passed the Cordonata Capitolina, and Karen couldn't resist running up the wide starirway (I documented....it was waaaay higher than she thought.)
We found the apartment just up the street where we stayed with the boys 9 years ago and made our way to the fountain.
It was a beautiful day and as we snapped pictures we noticed a guy down on his knee. It was a proposal! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more romantic (Roman – tic?) setting. When she said "Yes!" everyone clapped and cheered.
As corny as it is, we both threw coins in (you have to throw them in a specific location on the side now) ensuring that we will definitely be back! There are more photos in the photo collection, enjoy!
OMG. This sounds dreamy. Enjoy!
Linda Char
Lovely! :) Loved all the details - even a proposal! - and not to be self-centered, but had to laugh at how your choice of gelato (pear with fresh ricotta?!) was exactly the opposite of anything that sounds good to me! Bread pudding must be next - HAHA! Have fun and continue to eat all the things I would not. ;)
Oh so fun! Excited to keep reading about the adventures.