Food. So much food! We begin each day with at least two cappuccinos and way more breakfast than we ever eat in our normal lives. At Terre di Nano we had at least three cakes to choose from and eggs and a selection of meats and cheeses, granola, yogurt, fruits etc. Classic beautiful European farm breakfast. ALL the lunches and dinners that are part of the tour (including the "light lunches" which are not light at all) are humongous and include several courses with wine and dessert and after dinner limoncello. And of course we have to eat it all. Whenever meals are on our own we try to find a salad or something small because, well, TOO MUCH GOOD FOOD!
We are getting very spoiled by Giorgio the chef , sommelier, and Terre di Nano jack-of-all-trades who describes the menu to us before serving it. He did a vineyard tour and wine tasting for us as well as a cooking lesson. Good fun and we learned a lot! I didn't know that the roses planted near vineyards are dual purpose - both to look pretty but originally, to serve as kind of a canary in a coal mine. If the roses are under duress then it means that in two weeks the vines may be too. I also now know how to make gnocchi so will attempt when we get home!
Our six nights here were full and busy - between weaving every other day, visiting hill towns in between and fun classes, it went by in a flash. We went to Pienza, Montelcino, Montepulciano and Siena. They are all unique and beautiful, especially Siena. Sometimes we had a guide and other times we just wandered. The views, the churches, the shopping! We have a lot of fun in all the wonderful leather and fabric shops and the food stores - there are so many varieties of the delicious pecorino cheeses!
Soon enough it was time to head out for our next stop. As promised here are pictures of our weaving. Don't laugh at mine! Karen did a little sampler at the bottom then the Terre di Nano main house with wisteria. Mine, well I tried to create the beautiful colors of the rolling hills with poppies. Haha. Also, I do have to say that the other talented weavers in the group created some really amazing little pieces and I soon as I get pictures of those I will share them. Lots of photos! Enjoy!
Diana M Chang
I guess a little excess is good but a lot of excess is even better! What a treat. You'll never be satisfied with our grocery stores again.