Day 3 Bucharest

Friday, August 22, 2014
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
After a lovely breakfast we jump in our bus and off on our tour of Bucharest. We see a lot of the same things we saw yesterday, but it's very interesting to hear another guide's perspective. Sometimes the explanations of the same thing are completely different, and you have to draw your own conclusions. It seems like only yesterday (1989??) that Romania was under Communistic rule and our guide Gabriella explains what those days were like for her; however, she speaks quite freely about then and the growing disdain of today's politics as well. After our tour we are treated to a traditional Romanian lunch and then head on our coach to the ship.
We arrive at the dock late afternoon and the check-in is a breeze compared to getting on a big ship . Within minutes we are in our cabin, our home for the next week. Our first impression of the M/S Amadeus Royal is a bit underwhelming but it's OK as she's a clean ship and that's one of the most important things to us. We have had a couple meals so far and the food is very good.
Our first day and evening is spent cruising towards the Danube Delta to a city named St Gheorghe, where the river meets the Black Sea.
We have already had a chance to meet some really nice people on board; some from the States and some Canadians. The ship is missing some liveliness though and I attribute that to the lack of Aussies on board.
After a lovely dinner it's off to bed. I didn't mention that our cabin is on the lower deck and the window is inches above the river. The water has a tendency to continually bounce off the sides and makes a loud gurgling sound. As we lay down to go to sleep Roxanne asks "Is that going to bother you?" "No", I say, "I've always wondered what it's like to sleep in the dishwasher". We slept like babies!
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JoAn Daniels

I love your travel blogs - feel as if I am traveling with you - wish I were!! You both look great - a couple of homeymoorners!!!


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