SD to CO (via WY) to UT

Thursday, May 05, 2016
Central City, Colorado, United States
After my early morning hike to Harney's Peak, we hit the road. Our main goal was to get to Moab asap, but it is such a long drive from Mt Rushmore that we planned a stop in Central City, Colorado. We are excited, because we're meeting up with our friends Bob and Deb there.

Along the way we made quick stop at Crazy Horse Monument, which is a carving in the mountain of the Native American warrior himself . It's beautiful in its own right but is still under construction (the project has been ongoing since it was started in 1948). OK, onward... Denver or bust!

We put the next campground into our loyal GPS and, like magic, it will lead us to Nirvana. Not quite; we trusted it to a certain point (she has such a sweet believable voice) but we started doubting her when we were led off the main road, and onto a dirt/gravel road. OK, where is the 4 wheel drive button? Oh, the RV doesn't have one, and the next turn is off the gravel road onto a dirt road, complete with potholes. We find ourselves in a remote neighborhood with sheep and goats roaming around us (we're glad it's not nighttime because we expect a Manson type guy to come running out of his house with a shotgun, chasing us down the road!) It's funny how your imagination wanders when you are lost. OK, time to backtrack. "Where's the GPS", I ask? "In the trash", she says, and out comes the map and compass. We get back to the main road and realize we'd gone about 40 miles out of our way . At least we're in one piece!

The drive was absolutely gorgeous with the Rockies in the background, coming up along the backside edge of the mountains thru Nederland. We arrive in Central City about the same time as B&D, get all hooked up, throw a couple steaks on the Barbie, and feast on s'mores after dinner as we compare stories. It doesn't go unnoticed that Bob's Mini Winnie is 3 feet longer than mine and has push outs! Wow, they got the top of the line model. We exchange stories before heading off to bed (theirs a sprawling queen and ours, just bigger than a single). I know, they felt guilty.... right?

Rox and I woke up early and took a walk into town. We saw mule deer and passed an old abandoned mine along the way. After the hike, we are on our way to Moab.

The drive did not go without a little drama. After a couple hours on the road we could see what looked like a huge dust storm, with lightning in the background, coming out of CO into Utah . Before we knew it we were facing 60+ MPH winds (this is not good in a high profile vehicle!) I had to keep the wheel turned at a 30 degree angle just to go straight and we saw a bike rack that had been blown off another vehicle. Rather than fight it, we pulled over where B&D and a few other RVs had stopped. When I got out to talk to the others, I inadvertantly left the motor home on a bit of a slant with Rox in it. She thought for sure it was going to get blown over, so she moved over to the high side and braced herself until I returned several minutes later. The RV managed to stay upright, so we decided to white knuckle it and keep driving until the winds subsided (which turned out to be about another half hour or so!)

What a beautiful drive it is along the Colorado river, with it's sheer clay red cliffs. Our campground in Moab will be home for the next 2 nights. More to come



Gorgeous scenery. How lucky you are to be able to experience this trip.


Love the excitement in your travel stories ...keep them coming !

Jim & Linda

You have real skill as a writer. Good structure and syntax. The story is fascinating so far. Keep 'em coming!


How exciting, thanks for the update :-)
I appreciate your writing skills. Had me getting white knuckled too.


How exciting, thanks for the update :-)
I appreciate your writing skills. Had me getting white knuckled too.


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