
Monday, August 08, 2016
Mt Whitney, California, United States
They say every journey starts with the first step. For me, this is a long one but it will begin like all others. In a couple of days, on August 8th, I will start my thru-hike on the John Muir Trail at Cottonwood Pass, about 20 miles south of Mt Whitney. Most of you know where this is but, for those who don't, the JMT is a long distance trail that follows the Sierra Nevada mountain range here in California as part of the +2650 mile-long Pacific Crest Trail, which runs from Mexico to Canada along the West Coast. The official length of the JMT is 210.4 miles but when all is said and done, I will have hiked over 250 miles in 20 days. The mileage is the easy part - it's the elevation (most of it over 8,000 feet), the 6 mountain passes (from 11,000 to 13,000 feet), and the bears that will kill ya! Throw in a 45lb backpack, a couple of river crossings, and I know it will be an exciting trip.

"Why do you want to do such a thing?", a lot of friends have asked . Well, I can think of a couple of reasons - the obvious one is that I can. I am so thankful everyday for my health; instead of complaining about why my legs ache, I am glad that they are still working properly and have held up tremendously through my training. The other two are personal.... but I'll tell you anyway because you are my friends. I already had aggressive prostate cancer and I also have the BRACA gene. Nobody knows when they are going to go, so I want to make the most out of every day. Lastly, I've already lost my only sister, Michele, to ovarian cancer and she would have encouraged me to push myself. She'll be with me every step of the way.

I am also so lucky to have Roxanne, who helps me attain my goals. Without her help with the planning and logistics, it would have taken me 10 times longer to organize, and I'd probably get lost a couple of times, or go around in a circle and end up where I started!

So, as you snuggle in for the nights between August 8th - 28th, think of me hiking up to 15 miles a day, taking a cold shower, eating out of a baggy, and sleeping on the hard, cold ground. But don't feel sorry for me (I know you wouldn't anyway!)... I'll be seeing some of the most dynamic scenery that our great country has to offer, while watching falling stars and listening to crickets sing. I'll write a little something when I return on how it went, along with some pictures.

For those who'd like to view my route (beginning August 8th), you can do so here:

So long for now,

Photos & Videos



Have a fun and safe journey. See ya when you are done!


I'm sure it will be a life changing experience Mark. It was for me when I walked the 816kms between Irun and Santiago de Compostela in Spain in 32 days. It's totally cathartic and mind cleansing. I look forward to 'walking' with you. Good luck!

Bob S

Well Buddy, life was a lot easier in the MinnieWinnie! But, every challenge is different and I know you've been training hard for this one ..... you'll pull through just fine. It will be an adventure you'll never forget. Be safe and will look forward to your next entry....kind of like reading the High Sierra version of NatGeoWild!


We will be following along for sure! Have a great journey!

Phyllis S

Mark (and Roxanne), been thinking of you so much knowing that with each day you are getting closer to August 8th. I'm exited for you ! You will be in our prayers and thoughts each and every day. Looking forward to reading your blogs and hearing your stories personally in September. Be safe and enjoy. Lots of love, Phyllis (Paul too )

Bob S

Will you be able to do Words with Friends on the trail....I know you're an addict!

Cindy B

We know this will be an amazing journey for you! We love you and our thoughts will be with you each and every day. Michael & Cindy
P.S. Remember the bear spray and in Canada they highly suggested we have bells on our back packs so as not to startle the bear. xoxo


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