With a 5:15 flight to Miami, I was keeping an eye on the local weather and was concerned about the possibility of thunderstorms. However, Tuesday was sunny and hot.
The plan was for Pat to arrive at my house around noon and we would have time for a relaxed lunch before heading to BWI around 3. She was running a little late and made an unplanned detour through DC, and didn't get to Columbia until after 1. We still had time to eat but it wasn't quite as leisurely as expected. Then on the way to the airport we missed an exit and made another detour. Still we were at the check in counter before 2:30, and immediately noticed that our departure would be delayed by 30 minutes. Since the flight to Lima didn't leave until midnight, we still had plenty of time to make our connection. I won't go into to details about about each of the subsequent delay announcements, it is enough to say that our flight was stuck in Miami because of weather problems related to Beryl, and didn't get to BWI until 8:15, and we didn't leave the gate untl 9 pm. still, we were lucky that BWI avoided the worst of the local storms.
It doesn't take a math major to figure out that a 2 1/2 hour flight to Miami would mean arriving at 11:30. Thanks to a very helpful gate agent we learned that our arrival and departure were from opposite ends of a very long concourse and that the train stopped running at 11 pm. We were able to switch our seats to the front of coach section and the flight crew was able to arrange for an electric cart to meet us on arrival. We raced through the empty concourse and made it to the departure gate 5 minutes before the doors were closed. However, it took about another hour to recover from our wild ride. However we made our flight and our trip to Peru would start on schedule.
Hurry Up and Wait
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Columbia, Maryland, United States
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