Just Around The River Bend

Sunday, August 09, 2015
Mishawaka, Indiana, United States
While Sonia was running around the roads of Indiana this morning, confusing the poor American drivers, John and I went to Pancake House for breakfast. Where I had a stack of pancakes. YUM.

Sonia met me later in Starbucks and the two of us did our respective online work . Hers: important and intelligent; Mine: unintelligible blog nonsense.

We went then to one of the parks in St Joseph's county (run by Parks and Rec Dept.? Please?!) where we picked out a canoe! A red headed guy who was seriously proud of being an Air Force vet (a young vet, and a linguist) drove us down the river and let us off.

It was a beautiful sail. Not hard to row (at least where I was, in the back. Sonia may have had a harder time in the front) and not too hot. We saw ducks, birds, a heron and TURTLES!!!! GOD DANGED TURTLES. They were so cute. There were lovely bridges and noisy bridges and lots and lots of trees.

When we landed about an hour later, because we're awesome, we hauled our canoe up to the shed ourselves, because we're hardcore, and it turns out the vets were a little lazy on Sunday. A quick McDonald's sprite and fries, and we were ready for some more SHOPPING.

Omg, thank goodness I have enough willpower to send stuff home NOW, because I can't carry anything new after this, unless it's important, vital or sentimental. I was very good at the shopping mall and only bought SOME makeup in Ulta (Grace has a lot to answer for) and a COUPLE of clothing items.

We ate in Red Lobster and then rented About Time because it's about time Sonia saw it. And while she was watching that, I discovered I am magical because I managed to pack EVERYTHING into one of the flat boxes that had come from Amazon. Yeah, organised packing!
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Margie McNamara

I looooooove Red Lobster.


The boat trip sounds so RELAXING Mary! I love it!


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