Queen of the Road

Monday, August 10, 2015
Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
After a quick bite (and a free donut) at Krispy Kreme, we dropped Sonia off for work at the university, and I went to the post office to send home the giant pack of Personal Effects. That was a day's work in itself. This form, that form, how much contents, precisely on which line, how much they cost and what they weigh... Nothing illegal in there I think, unless you DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN because a lot of it is school stuff for my little resource room, stuff you can't get in Ireland. So there. Children.

John dropped me at South Bend Regional Airport then - which, incidentally has a tornado shelter in the women's toilets - and I rented myself a car . Yeah me! It's a cool little Honda Civic (I KNOW RIGHT) that has Eco mode, cruise control, a usb that connects to my iPod and shows all the details and controls it from the dashboard, and a reversing camera!!! It IS automatic, which is unnecessary, in my humble opinion, and BOY is the brake sensitive. Hello, whiplash. But I love it already.

I drove ALL DAY. I stopped for lunch in Kokomo, IN, because I had to. Way down in Kokomo, guys!! I ate in Cracker Barrell, which, disappointingly, had no crackers. But it had ""biscuits"" which are just bready scone things, COME ON AMERICA. I took two more stops on the way: one to stretch my legs at a little park rest stop, and the other to learn how to "pump gas" and to buy a car usb charger to save my dying phone gps.

Can I just take a moment to praise the Lord and Allah and the universe for Google? WHAT a free service. What an amazing map system. What an awesome phone I have. Just ... EVERYTHING. Praise be to Google.

There was a lot of construction (what we usually, more descriptively, call "roadworks") all the way, and endless trucks. Big frickin trucks. I didn't understand why they bipped the horn at me every so often. I thought maybe they were from Ohio too, and they liked my geek car (the registration is GEK and some numbers, I love it) but my dad says that's their signal that you're clear to pull in in front of them again. Huh. Ya learn something new everyday.

So I kept driving through Louisville and into Kentucky. Yee haw!

I've made it to Bowling Green tonight, where I've stopped off at a Marriott, which I hadn't reserved. Yay America, eh?! I went out and got some take out sushi, because I can't eat any more fried stuff right now. I'm totally in the wrong place for that, I know, but the sushi was good! And I still have that free tiny chocolate bar from Dublin airport if things get bad later on.

I was thinking of taking a quick dip in the pool, because it's there and I'm here and it's 90 freaking degrees outside and there's been no storm, only rain. So. Maybe.

I drove about 400 miles today! That's like 640km in REAL numbers!! :D
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Margie McNamara

Ridin' along in your automobile, you just couldn't NOT stop at Kokomo!

Bernadette Hogan

Slow down Mary! You're too fast for me! Can I be your passenger ?????


Now I've caught up with you Mary. I really enjoyed my bedtime story.


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