As I was leaving Minnesota today, there was a severe storm and tornado alert. I was awake early, so I left early and happened to outrun it most of the day, but I'm sitting here at my window in Chicago (well, west of Chicago) watching the storm come in and being alert for tornadoes. I've been in tornado alerts before, but I've never seen a real one. :(
I took it easy today, just drove to Chicago, giving myself plenty of time for traffic and stuff
. There's a lot of construction - what's new - and lord knows it's never any fun driving into airports. I got to Chicago in plenty of time, so I fuelled up, and then realised I had enough time to check in at my hotel and drop my bags off there, rather than dragging them to the airport and on to the hotel.
The Polish lady at the desk was very nice to me, and we got on great, and I happened to be looking up the hotel online later, and the reviews from Americans call her a Russian lady and say she's horrible and rude. Yay for European relations!
So I drove back to the airport to return the car, and that was pretty simple, and then got bussed to the terminal and chatted up by a Kentucky guy who ALSO thought I was from Arlington. Everyone thinks I say "Arlington" when I say "Ireland"!!! And everyone is shocked that I'm travelling around on my own, and doubly shocked that I'm driving. "Especially in the U.S.!" What? Like it's hard?!
(That's a line from Legally Blonde) (I also do not lead with "hi, I'm travelling on my own, will you kidnap me, dodgy person?!" I assess the situation very carefully
I bought a packed lunch there, which turned out to be very nice! Then eventually I realised the hotel shuttle does not just appear at the airport, so I got a taxi back. The taxi guy was Chinese, and he started going to the wrong hotel first and I corrected him. And then he told me he was going the right way, because the road was closed and there was a detour and he had to go north. And I argued that I had just driven there from the hotel to return a car, and he realised he was caught rotten. So we u-turned and went the correct way, and I only gave him a $1.95 tip. :P
Now I'm relaxing and watching the lightning and the wind out the window, and trying to decipher the thunder from the planes. Exciting times!
So it turns out to be NOT THAT DIFFICULT to differentiate thunder from planes when you're in a freaking emergency. Sideways rain is nothing to me, and frequent lightning blasts are to be expected in America. But combine the two, flood the hotel grounds, send an emergency warning to my phone and throw in a city alarm siren, and I FREAK OUT!!! I was filming it on my camera so you can experience this event in its full glory next time you see me.
It's gotten really hot again, and I'm tired after the panicking. Goodnight.
Tornado Watch
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Other Entries
1Extended Vacation
Aug 0513 days priorChicago, United Statesphoto_camera29videocam 0comment 3 -
2Learning and Culture
Aug 0612 days priorChicago, United Statesphoto_camera44videocam 0comment 1 -
3Back to the Bend
Aug 0711 days priorSouth Bend, United Statesphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 0 -
4Fightin' Irish
Aug 0810 days priorMishawaka, United Statesphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 3 -
5Just Around The River Bend
Aug 099 days priorMishawaka, United Statesphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 2 -
6Queen of the Road
Aug 108 days priorBowling Green, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 3 -
7Heading on down to Nashville
Aug 117 days priorNashville, United Statesphoto_camera68videocam 0comment 1 -
8Going to Graceland
Aug 126 days priorMemphis, United Statesphoto_camera39videocam 0comment 1 -
9Guitar Pool
Aug 135 days priorMemphis, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0 -
10Meet Me in St Louis!
Aug 144 days priorSaint Louis, United Statesphoto_camera43videocam 0comment 3 -
11Driving Along in my Automobile
Aug 153 days priorSioux City, United Statesphoto_camera36videocam 0comment 1 -
12The flat plains of Dakota
Aug 162 days priorFargo, United Statesphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 3 -
Aug 171 day priorMinneapolis, United Statesphoto_camera12videocam 0comment 4 -
14Tornado Watch
Aug 18Chicago, United Statesphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 2 -
15On The Road Again
Aug 191 day laterChicago, United Statesphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 1 -
16Where am I
Aug 202 days laterGalway, Irelandphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 3

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A great send off !! Well done Mary!
You're leaving ALREADY?????
Clearly I didn't catch up with you.
Maybe next week?
Anyway, I'm glad you really didn't see a tornado.