Where am I

Thursday, August 20, 2015
Galway, Western Ireland, Ireland
I had a GREAT sleep on the plane with my two seats, and a "continental breakfast". Stuff kept appearing beside me, like a pair of earphones that belonged to no-one around me, and when I woke up I had TWO aeroplane pillows, not one, and I've no idea where the second one came from. I was comfortable though. :)

As I said before, we landed way earlier than intended, and we had to sit on the tarmac until Dublin Airport go its head together and put out our walkway and stuff . My bag was one of the last to come out, because I was SO ORGANISED AND EARLY.

I got the airlink bus to Heuston, met my darling sister, passed out a few times in the car, and made it home to Galway! Hurray!!! 

So in total, I drove about 2686 miles (4323km), according to the car odometer. I don't know what you'd have to do in Ireland to achieve that, maybe someone can tell me.

I just had a snooze, and now the unpacking begins.

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Margie McNamara

Welcome home, Mary. It's nice to have you on this side of the Atlantic again.


Well done, Mary.
You are AWESOME!


Welcome Mary and thanks for the very interesting reports. Going to miss them but delighted you are home safely.


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