Day 5- Seville

Sunday, January 05, 2020
Seville, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
I was again awoken by a ready-to-go mom at 8am. We had the King’s cake I picked up yesterday for breakfast and headed out to the train station. It was nice to not be carrying all our luggage for this day trip. After a bit of trouble with the machines, we got our tickets and got on the train just in time. After a short 40min, we were in Seville! 
We hopped on a bus to head to the cathedral for Mass, even though everyone was saying it’d be closed, even for services. We snuck in a few minutes late to a Mass already going on, and it was nice to be able to celebrate Mass in such a massive and impressive space. It was similar to the other cathedrals we had seen- choir section in the middle, still unsure how they could fit hundreds in at once for a Mass. After Mass, we looked around the back of the cathedral that showcased different vestments and chapels. By this time we were quite hungry and stopped back at a restaurant we had seen earlier. We each had a tortilla, which was very fancy here complete with a beet paste and baby greens. The hot chocolate I got was instant, but even then still better than anything I could get in the States (although definitely not as creamy as the fresh hot chocolates). 
We were very happy with this meal and headed out to a museum on Magellan’s voyage around the world. It was very interesting and showcased the impressive naval capabilities of the country at that time. Unfortunately with the Ephiphany holiday, the museum closed at 2pm so we were rushed through, but it was still very cool.  
After the museum we walked around a bit more, this time headed towards the area of town where Flamenco originated. On the way, we encountered a male Flamenco street dancer, and he was very impressive. Marching bands were lining up for the Epiphany parade. We continued on our walk so we could come back in time for the parade. We had a lovely river walk in the sun, shedding our winter coats and scarves. The other side of the river was not so impressive, but a lot of it was perhaps more original and looked a lot like the Plaza in Kansas City. 
We headed back to the parade area, stopping by to grab some gelato which we enjoyed in the sunny park while the parade was getting ready. Instead of venturing out to other museums or sights, we decided to hang around the area to get a good spot for the parade. We found a big group of kids with few adults- perfect for predators I guess but also for short people. Mom and I hung out there for at least an hour until the parade finally passed by. It’s a parade of the three kings and whatever else the city wants to throw in. The fireman passed by with some candy, then a few other businesses, then the first king came with his large float and several helpers throwing out candy everywhere. Kids held up their candy bags to collect the falling sweets. We didn’t have candy bags but we held up our hands as protection- there would be less injuries if they threw chocolate and gummies instead of hard candy. The grandpa next to us got a cut on his head that ended up bleeding a bit. That didn’t stop him from scraping up candy on the ground with his grandkids. Everyone seemed to know everyone, as in every town, and the kids were all ecstatic to get the precious generic candies. 
After all kings had passed, the street sweepers came and the crowd started to disperse. Realizing the parade was basically our walk to the train station, we walked around a bit to get away from the parade and still reach the station. Luckily there was a restaurant nearby that was open on the holiday, so we got a nice salad and red wine for dinner. 
On the way back to the train we took some photos of the Kansas City Avenue that runs right along the train station. Pretty cool. 
The train was a nice break after a day full of walking in our nice shoes. We finally arrived back in Córdoba, walking among the remains of parade candy on the way back to the apartment. We enjoyed a bit more of the King’s cake while we listened to Rosalía on record before we headed to bed. 

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