I had a good day yesterday, but I was ready to be alone. Plus I wasn’t sure what the day would look like- would I need to bring a lunch? What about my period? It’s totally something I should do, but I wasn’t super down for another day of listening to French people, so I turned them down. Looking back, I definitely should’ve taken them up on it cuz it was only a 4h hike and everyone else was foreign so they’d be speaking English. Oh. I wish I had had more time to think it over and change my answer. Oh well. I came here wanting to take the bus so that’s what I’ll do. I also really needed to figure out my cell phone situation.
I have also been waking up SO hungry cuz breakfast is promised with the Airbnb however it didn’t come on Sunday and I ate a burnt pain au chocolat today. I was on a hunt for a big meal. First I headed out for the tourist office for information on buses and SIM cards. I went to both places and got a pretty good deal I thought- of course it was Vodaphone who beat out the competition at $20 for 5GB. Now I could finally embark on my hunt for a big breakfast.
I found a nice patisserie/boulangerie (or at least close enough) and of course the meal that looked the best to me was the American- 3 eggs, pain au chocolat, juice, and tea for $13. I was finally full and not just tired of what I was eating haha. I enjoyed my time there and ate for a long time, something that’s not allowed in America. I decided it was time to go pee and head out for the bus. Didn’t realize I needed my own toilet paper.... and finally I got to the bus stop. It was pretty busy and I think most of the buses stopped here. I wanted to bus around the whole island, but that bus was taking forever so I hopped on one that would take me halfway. I learned this was not the best idea haha.
The ride took over 20min to start out- it was just all of us on an olddd bus in the noon heat waiting for the right time to leave I guess. No one seemed to mind, so I assumed this was just the bus trying to stick to some sort of schedule. Whatever it was, the time finally came to leave the station. There’s pretty much one main road that goes around the island with a frontage road-ish thing following alongside. The bus hopped between both.
People had warned me that the bus doesn’t stick to a schedule and stops randomly, however it seemed like everywhere we stopped had a proper bus sign.