Road trip

Saturday, March 07, 2015
Kansas City, Kansas, United States
We got up early this morning (5:45 for me) to pack last minute things and get to morning prayer. After some encouraging words from the program coordinator, we were off. We walked up the 16th street parking structure to our van, and luckily against my initial belief, the vans were not in fact creeper vans, they were brand new rented mini-vans... Aka livin' the high life yo. Wow it was super nice. We set off and stop a few times for gas and food (I got a cool Minnie Mouse bag from Subway) and after a car ride full of questions, naps, and raps, we got to KC. From the second we walked in the door of the sisters' house, we felt right at home. They gave a tour of their lovely home, and we got a glimpse of cute treats and goodies they had waiting for us :) They are so so sweet and I think we'll definitely be begging to stay come Saturday. We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant with Chris, who planned out our week at Restart and coordinated our meals with Marquette grads. He is a Marquette alum himself, and we enjoyed talking about the school we all love so much. We ate to, if not past our hearts' desires, and it was great. We came back and chit chatted with the sisters for a bit, getting to know each other better. They have been to some pretty cool places. We ended the night with a little reflection and a casual introductory overview of the week. We went to sleep quickly after that; we were all pooped from the long day right after midterms week. We're looking forward to our tour day tomorrow, starting out with breakfast and Mass, then checking out downtown KC. Hopefully my KC pride hasn't been too annoying... Yet...



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