Restart Day 2
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Kansas City, Kansas, United States
Although the sisters were gone in the morning, we still had a hot breakfast waiting for us when we woke up. Sadly, Elaine was sick and had to stay home for the day, so the five of us ventured out to Restart. We started out in the Career Services Center where we cleaned up a cluttered space and then we headed back to the main building to eat lunch. We served a bit and ate a bit, unfortunately I missed Israel for lunch, but he stuck around to show me his album. It was pretty swaggy. I ate lunch with a man named Marduke from Senegal who came to America to make a better life for his family. He wanted to know about me and my life, and since lunch was a little rushed I didn't get to learn too much about him. After lunch we helped clean up and make dinner- chicken and potatoes. That went pretty quick, so we went upstairs to organize some of the donations. However Vee came up and said she wanted us to come back downstairs and frost cookies for tonight's desert, so we decorated pumpkin shaped sugar cookies. They were actually REALLY good. We served for the first dinner rush, but after that we had to leave. We met up with one of our friends Joe outside though. He showed us his dog Cricket and got to talk to him for a bit. Then we got on the road home. After figuring out some direction difficulties, we made it and met my parents at the sisters' house. We had a great dinner of bbq chicken with beans and apple cobbler. It was really nice to hang with mom and dad again, and the sisters seemed to really enjoy meeting them. After they left, we watched "An Affair to Remember" with the sisters (it's a classic chick flick). It was really good, and by the time it was over, we were ready for bed/reflection. Reflection went on for a little longer than we had planned for haha but it was good. We were all the more ready to go to sleep.
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