Today was a very good day- I had time to eat breakfast, I didn't forget my key, it snowed, etc etc. yes it snowed!! Finally! They've been waiting and waiting for the snow here- it's been very scarce which hurts the businesses here a lot. This definitely wasn't enough to do much, but it gives the people hope. I had my easy class in the morning today, with a new teacher- she's also very nice, but not as energetic and creative as the other. We watched a video on how to taste champagne so that was fun. It made me anxious though to see my other teacher for the afternoon.
My friend from Copenhagen and I went to a little cafe for lunch- we both had quiches and salads which really hit the spot! We were a bit late for our afternoon class, but we made it nonetheless
. It was very good to see my original teacher, and we had lots of fun together. Today was our last class with her, so we were all trying to make the class last long. At the end she opened up the class to questions about France as always, but this time she also opened the floor to ask each other questions about our countries. We talked a lot about Japan and South Africa, it was very interesting. The class had to end sometime though, and we were all sad to say goodbye to our teacher.
After school my friend and I went to a bookstore to pick up some books that out teacher had recommended us. Unfortunately they were all sold out. My friend had to leave to meet up with her family, but I had a bit of time to kill so I decided to take a stroll around the old city. I got to go into two churches, do some shopping, and take a few pictures as well. It wasn't too cold today (so all the snow melted at our altitude) so it made for a nice evening to walk about.
I came home to a full house- madame's nephew, daughter, and sister were there to celebrate the new year, a new grandson, and the nephew's birthday. They were all very nice and got along with each other very well :) We started out with some frois gras on bread and some salmon appetizers and another thing that I don't know the name of. We ate all this with champagne of course, and I got to talk about class and how one should taste the champagne. They thought it was funny. Afterwards we moved to the big table to eat dinner
. We had a cartiflette (I think it's called) which is a tartiflette but instead of potatoes it's a noodle called cartons. I think I'm more of a Lille gal and I like the tartiflette with potatoes, but this one was very interesting and delicious as well. It's very regional with lots of cheese of the area. We had a nice wine for dinner with bread and salad as well. For dessert we ate a gateau des rois which is a special "cake" (more like pastry pie) for the epiphany. Even if you're not religious you eat these in early January- they're everywhere. There's a little toy hidden inside and the person who has it in their piece has good luck. Madame made this one herself, and it was REALLY good. It's impressive all the food she can make! After dinner and conversation it was homework and bedtime for me.
Tomorrow I'll go to the mountains with a friend in her car- I asked her for some recommendations (she's lived here for 2 years) on buses to take to see more mountains, and she said "oh you must go here and here and here; actually I can drive you!" And I said no no but she insisted saying she loves taking her American friends (she's American as well) to show them her town. I'll miss a bit of class, not too much maybe an hour, but I'm really really looking forward to seeing the city in the daylight :)
Day 3
Thursday, January 05, 2017
Seynod, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
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