
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Paris, Île-de-France, France
I woke up when the bus got into Paris- I hate this bus stop cuz the metro station isn't well-marked and there's always construction but I walked around and around till I found it. I headed to Gare du Nord to lock up my bag since that was close to my hostel for the night. After going all over the station to find the lockers, then having loads of small problems, I finally got it locked up but not without muttering some mean things about the French under my breath. It took so long that I barely made it in time for 8:30 Mass at Notre Dame... I got into Paris at 6am. Mass was good, I don't think I've been to the 8:30 one before, and it was definitely more chill than the others- they used the small organ and had one priest and there weren't a ton of people there. It was still good though, and it was so good to be back. I got to see all the Christmas decorations too, they were really beautiful. Especially at 8:30 Mass- it was still pitch black outside so it looked really cool inside especially when the sun started to rise during Mass. I walked around a bit and bought some things, then headed to a cafe for some wifi for train info, but then realized it was later than I thought so I ditched the restaurant and went to the train station. Either I had just missed the previous train or there weren't a ton running, but the next one was in 50 minutes, but I had already bought my ticket so I just waited down there. Luckily I had the bright idea to buy a book in Annecy to read for times when I find myself alone- good for solo traveling. So I read my book and before I knew it the train came and I was on my way to Sermaise to see the Strehaiano's. I came really really too close to falling asleep on the train, so I was relieved when I saw the Sermaise stop. Claire was out on the street ready to greet me, and Jean was in the car. I started speaking French to Jean and that seemed to make him happy :) Last time I met him at the train station I spoke English with him and he asked why I wasn't speaking French, so I was really excited to surprise him with French this time. Anne was at the door again waiting for us, and I tried harder this time to not cry haha. They were all so kind and welcomed me in to heat up by the fire and drink champagne and eat salmon caviar- life was really tough. I had a lot of fun talking with everyone, and I tried to keep speaking French even though English was very tempting. I was surprised at how much I could understand- I definitely wasn't perfect, but I had improved a ton since the last time I spoke French with them. It was nice to catch up with everyone- the whole family was there, even Lucie so we had a full happy house :) Gosh I had missed them so much! Laure was picking out dog names and it was so funny. She's grown so much! Soon it was time for lunch. We had chicken and potatoes with bread and red wine- on mange très bien chez Strehaiano! Toujours! It was so so good and it was so nice to share a meal with everyone again. After lunch we had desert- a raspberry and a pistachio cakes from the bakery and wow were they good. After finishing the whole meal I didn't think I would eat again (and I didn't until I was at my gate at the airport!). We had a good time just sitting and talking, by this point we had switched to English but we got a lot of French in before so it was nice :) unfortunately it came time to leave, and Lucie and Claire were nice and let me ride with them on the train and bother them :) it was sad saying goodbye, but I know I'll be back :) we said "see you later" instead of "goodbye" I was so thankful I got to see them, it was definitely a highlight of my trip.
Claire and Lucie got to their stop and so we said "see you later" there, and I headed on to the Eiffel Tower . I have this weird thing where I have to go to the Eiffel Tower every time I go to Paris. I never do anything more than take pictures and maybe eat a crêpe, but it always feels so Paris-y to me. Afterwards I headed to Notre Dame for the 6:30 Mass- I knew that one would have more organ because it's broadcasted on KTO (I probably made the video- check YouTube!). It was a much fuller Mass with more priests and a choir and incense and all. A LOT of incense. I'm still glad I went to the 8:30 one though- for whatever reason they took down the manger scene that was in front of the altar before the 6:30 Mass. It was really nice, as always, and afterwards I headed back to Gare du Nord to get back my bags. I headed towards the hostel thinking I would stop somewhere to have dinner, but I still wasn't hungry and I was so darn tired. I was given the wrong bed at the hostel, and after having to walk up and down the four flights of stairs multiple times, I was pooped. I took a shower and went to sleep. I was nervous about waking up for my flight- the last time I went back to the states I overslept and thankfully my mom called me and that woke me up. The nice thing about a hostel is there's always a lot going on, so there were already two other people who got up at 6am, so even though that was a tad early for my flight, I decided to get ready with them to make sure I didn't fall back asleep. I'd rather fall asleep at the airport. I got to put my lovely backpack back on my back for a day of travel to see my sister :)



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