This morning Michaela was still feeling sick- Dr. Federle took good care of her but it seems she caught the bug, whatever it is. I had a great night's sleep, but felt so bad when I woke up to find Michaela still not feeling well. She's so cute and it was heartbreaking to watch her suffer. She stayed back at the school with Cata and we headed down for work. There were four of us plus Dr. Federle left. Dang. The hotel group was coming, so it's not like 10 people are sick, but it was definitely a bit eerie on the ride down, thinking back to when it used to be crammed. We only had two on each side today.
When we got to the site, we talked through plans and barely a half hour later the group from the hotel showed up. Record timing. We repositioned the anchor on the road side and started filling it with concrete. This time we had a vibrator so rodding was a thing of the past. I was getting too much sun though so I had to go put on sunscreen halfway through. As I was wiping the concrete off my face with my shirt, I noticed some bites on me. People have been concerned with bed bugs from the hotel and maybe lice, who knows. People just keep getting bites. And turns out I now have them too. Down but not fallen. I checked everything and it's fine, I also haven't showered in days so I haven't changed shirts to know when they appeared. They seem to be fine though.
That took up until lunch where things got heated again... the boys were working on clamping the cables on the other side of the bridge, and it's tough work. So they were not in the best of moods. Oh well. Another day.
We continued (and finished!!) clamping after lunch, and the community members were nice and stayed to help us, even though we had told them today was a half day. I came back to the tables around 3:00 cuz I was of no use there. We got to talk to Federle for a bit about school and stuff, so that was fun. Then before we knew it we were done for the day and headed home. I stood on the bench of Mincho's truck on the way home so that was fun.
Ya today was kinda boring. I did stuff and found things to do, but it was pretty uneventful overall. Which is okay. Dr. Federle updated us on the sick people, and Kassie had to get two IV's today because she hasn't had anything in her system for days. I felt so bad for her :((( She was getting so much better yesterday, but apparently last night she just went downhill again. The town starts its huge festival tomorrow, so they thought seeing a doctor today versus tomorrow would increase the chance of her getting treated. I hope it helps.
Cata made us spaghetti for dinner, and we just chilled after. We got to talk to Federle more about school so that was fun. Then we all went to bed.
Kinda a boring day, well not boring just nothing super noteworthy, which is fine. There was a drunk Guatemalan outside as we were falling asleep so that helped keep up Mark's streak of getting woken up every night. That's pretty much it though. Tomorrow a handful of us will go to various previous EWB-Marquette projects for monitoring, and the other half (my half) will be showing the Rotary club our bridges from the past few years since they donated a lot to us. It's supposed to (hopefully) be a chill day. Today was my last day on site actually, so that's exciting that from here on out I'm either hanging out or on La Tribuna :)))