The month-mark

Friday, June 29, 2018
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Wow, how did this happen - a month?! It's actually a funny day for this benchmark, because today is the first day I feel truly good. It's been a lot of ups and downs and smiles and tears, but I think I did it.
Yesterday after work I got in this mood to just move everything. And that's saying something cuz it was a Thursday (work gives us beers for Thirsty Thursdays). I skipped the pre-weekend celebrations and went home and literally threw everything into a suitcase and backpack. I still hadn't met my new roommates, so I wasn't committed to fully moving out. I barely got out before Gabi came home (of course) and she's telling me how well she and our other roommate get along and how happy she is, and how she loves her apartment and how you never know what you're gonna get moving into a new place. All I could think was "lady, I'm moving out. nothing's gonna change that. You won't even let me stay, why are you telling me all these things??" Hopefully that's one of my last rants on her. I tried to spare this blog from complaints, but it wasn't quite possible with this situation.
I haul my bags to the U-bahn, stand in the hot train for 30 min, walk across Alexanderplatz, the busiest square in town, get on the tram, ride that up 8 stops, then finally get to my new place. I hear music as I walk up to the door and I think "woah, this is a young person!" I walk in and do the whole 'hi I'm your new roommate' thing, and she (Emmy) was so welcoming!! She was washing her face and just stood there for like a half hour and talked to me. She said that she was glad the landlady finally picked someone (she won't be bringing in people for viewing any more), but moreso she was going on and on about how she wanted me to feel welcome and comfortable here, and how we could hang out if I wanted, and that the landlady's rules were pretty tight and she doesn't care if I follow them (things like having people over and shoes and stuff). I told her about my previous living situation a bit, and she was so nice! She said I could take a shower every day if I wanted, and cook whenever, and wake up whenever! It was SO nice.
I felt bad, but I had to end the conversation to get the rest of my things. I've never run to Gabi's place so quickly. I've also never jam-packed a suitcase quite like I did - I didn't want to come back. This one was a REALLY heavy suitcase. But SO worth it. After another hour journey, I finally make it back, but Emmy's in bed because she gets up at 6am for work. AMAZING. I won't be put down anymore for needing to get up at 8am. I treated myself this morning and woke up at 7am, TOOK A SHOWER, MADE MYSELF BREAKFAST, PLAYED MUSIC, DANCED, DRIED MY HAIR, and went to work. The activities in all-caps are things I would've never been able to do at Gabi's (at least in the mornings). I'm gonna DO MY LAUNDRY this weekend. Can't wait!!!
Overall, today is a really nice day to have my month-aversary on. I feel REALLY happy and comfortable at work, and I'm getting meaningful tasks. Now I have a good place to call home. It was kinda nice to move in knowing that I have friends here. It wasn't the scrambled, lost process I'm used to - I could just move my belongings and go to sleep. There were no more worries. That was really nice.
Oh I also got paid finally so that ROCKED... that means my new bank account works. I still have to register my residence and activate my SIM card, but I'm getting closer and closer to being legit settled! Whoo!!



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