K so this post is of nothing exciting to others or foreign or jaw-dropping, but my new roommates are the best and I had to take a second to recognize that. (Since this blog is fact-keeping for my 60 year-old self) I wanted to remember how it felt to meet them.
Today at work was maybe my worst day. Absolutely nothing bad happened, and I was very happy, but I'm normally more happy. I just had a boring task that went on for the whole day, and I didn't want to do it anymore. I left feeling so bored and dull, and I wanted to get drinks with Bea after but it just didn't work out. Probably the saddest I've felt walking home from work... k that's a lie but like relatively for the past week yes. I had told Bea that I got ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies... totally shouldn't have told her cuz I wanted it to be a surprise but now I was committed (it was just such a great accomplishment I couldn't hide it)... so I decided to just go home (not spend any [more] money) and make cookies.
I walked in, said hi to Deipka (probably totally spelled that wrong) who I finally met yesterday and rode the tram with this morning, and I started to feel more happy. She's just so nice and friendly. I went into the kitchen and cut up a zucchini and some tomato and onion to roast for dinner, and then the power went out. This was kinda lucky though or else I would've burnt my food totally and that's normally how I inaugurate a new living space so I'm basically now fully grown up. Emi came out of her room and was like "did we lose power?" and I'm like "um ya I think so" really hoping we did cuz my room light wasn't turning on and I had left it on all day yesterday so I was scared I'd be in trouble. But Emi knew exactly what to do right away and showed me in case it happens when I'm alone, and the power was back in no time. East side problems. Jk I dunno if that's true but things are a bit different over here, infrastructure-wise (my last apartment was in the West).
ANYWAYS we get power, I eat my veggies and drink wine and watch Gilmore Girls (shoutout to Ellen, I always think of you when I watch that show). Deipka comes out with her laundry and makes dinner, so I hang for a sec and finish the episode so she can enjoy the kitchen before I make it a mess. I venture on in there eventually and start "baking". I always feel like that word needs quotations when I use it in reference to myself. I weigh out all the ingredients (which I had earlier converted from cups/teaspoons to grams) and I'm soon making real cookie dough. Cool. I pop a batch in the oven - because of course the IKEA oven came with one tray and no one bothered (not blaming them) to buy another one - and I watch them cook in the light of the oven... European environmentalism stops at oven lights apparently. It was kinda neat. I go back to Netflix and come running when I hear the timer. Emi was in the kitchen when I was pulling out the cookies and she goes, "You know what, we never toasted to your arrival. I think I have some bubbly..." A human can't say better words to me. Truly the nicest thing anyone has done for me here... k not sure about that, I've met some super great people, but this totally made me feel so welcomed. She pours us a glass of bubbly and I analyse the cookies as they cool. We talk about work and her upcoming trip to London and all, and then Deipka walks in and we're all eating cookies and chit-chatting and it is just perfect. AGH I'M SO HAPPY HERE. This is even more than I wanted. I REALLY didn't expect this when I was searching for an apartment, not to mention DESPERATELY searching for a place two weeks in advance of move-in. I really don't know how this happened. They're both SO great.
Eventually Deipka goes back to her room to get ahead on work stuff before her weekend trip to London (I'm feeling like I need to make trips to London), and Emi and I continue talking, ending on politics - everyone's favorite subject. Nothing more hopeful to end the night on. Nah it was a good talk and we got to discuss stereotypes and cultural experiences of everyone and it was super fun. I really like them, they're so nice. AND they liked my cookies!!! **never before seen !!** I'm really not a fan of chocolate chip cookies, so I kinda hated them and the taste is literally half sugar, but they said they liked them! And Emi was so funny, when we were talking about stereotypes she's like "Ya if I had my friends over and they told me they liked the food I made even if it was horrible, I'd be like 'why are we friends???' So you can trust me when I say that I like these cookies." Truly never before seen. I was shocked. They truly are the best.
that is all.
tu amiga
Aww wowza sounds like a great crew! p.s. since when do you not like choco chip cookies?! lol