K well I've been busy I guess since I could barely complete an entry from two months ago...
Yep work's been busy but also good - got some interesting projects and am learning new things every day of course. September was a lot of travelling with my sister's wedding, then our big meeting in Munich paired with a pre-trip to Slovenia, then Okotberfest - kinda exhausting. I spent Oktober at home to recover - fall was insanely gorgeous. Berlin has lots of trees and parks, plus I get to see a lot on my tram commute every day so I'm thankful for that. Fall came quick though, I remember it clearly (also one of the saddest days of my life, jk but only kinda) - it was a beautiful day, we all went out to lunch then ice cream after. Suggestions of stopping work and drinking beers at Volksbruhne were tossed around. Then 4pm comes along and BAM - clouds, rain, wind, COLD. Can't lie I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Berlin had the absolute most beautiful summer, but it left as quick as it came. *sigh*
That day Carmen could tell I was super sad, so we went thrift shopping after. Also everyone is still wearing summer clothes so we're dying. I bought three coats that day. Excessive? Yes. But it made me a bit happier and so I went home, washed them, made some warm food, then cried myself to sleep. K dramatic and untrue, but it was very hard to say goodbye to summer.
Fall has been good though, and honestly not too cold. Wisconsin and Lille have prepared me well. There's been some fun festivals and markets, and my parents + my friend Hannah visited, so that was super fun. Visitors have been great for actually getting out and about amidst the cold weather. It was fun to show my parents the historical side of the city, along with "my" Berlin, and I had a good time hanging out with Hannah, finally getting the hang of techno dancing lol. Yeah it's grown on me dang it Berlin.
Hmm what else is new... it's been two months but that's all I can think of. It's been really nice just to settle down finally. No more flights overseas, much less paperwork, stared a yoga class, got a German tutor, finally got into the mood of bringing my lunch and not spending a fortune going out every day. It's been really nice. I like my life here a lot. Even in the cold weather I just walk down the street beaming with pure joy. It's such a strange place but so many different kinds of people love it here - it's really amazing :)
tu amiga
This makes my heart beam with joy! Miss you so much mon amie. Sending you good vibes and holding you close!