Day 2

Saturday, August 04, 2018
Joyabaj, Quiché Department, Guatemala
Early. We wake up earlyyyy. One benefit of having Mike here is that we get incredible exposure and education and insider’s knowledge, but the downside is that we have to wake up early haha. He likes to work. And I support that, but it doesn’t feel super great in the moment. After standing out in the rain without a rain coat yesterday, I woke up today feeling like I had a cold. Luckily our room was super hot, but I still felt not super great. I took some Advil and hardcore drank some OJ and felt a lot better. 
Clato was already on the second layer of CMU of the foundation when we arrived, which was super exciting because that meant we could start filling and hopefully pouring some real stuff. Clato finished perfectly, everything was super level. We just had to wait for the selecto. About 15 minutes later, we heard the sound of a vehicle that had to be larger than a moto it pickup truck. Selecto was here!! I was super pumped, but it was pretty tricky orienting the truck just right to dump where we wanted. The ground was still wet from the day before, and the truck was top-heavy with soil, so tipping was very likely. I really hated that part of the day. One of the suckiest things to watch. BUT he finally safely got the soil to our site, and we started two lines of bucket-passing to get the soil inside the CMU as quickly as possible. After compaction, Mark and I cut some PVC to extend the embedded pipes at or above future bottom of tank. 
We ate lunch and got back to work. Kassie was super great all day getting everyone to work on rebar- I don’t know what I’d do without her. She truly is the rebar queen. We started the pour and Cleto was great and very professional with his mason lines and all. The pour was complete in no time- about 3 hours- all hand-mixed! It gives me more confidence about the slab pour tomorrow. 
We headed back and loaded our bags on the truck for the hotel swap tonight. We had dinner at Tres Lunas, Joyabaj’s newest restaurant. It was pretty good, but gave some of us the runs...
Otherwise it was a good day and tomorrow needs to move swiftly to stay near schedule. 



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