Queen Bath & King of Surf

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hanelai Bay, Hawaii, United States
Sun's back out and we go to catch one of Kauai's most unique and beautiful natural pools-Queen's Bath. It's literally 5 min from the Westin.    Take good hiking shoes as the trail is steep and knotty w/ roots, stone, and pink needles. Passing a couple of waterfalls...the ocean opens up in rage and splashing around 15-20 ft below coves. There is a life-buoy and sign counting the deaths of visitors to the Queen's Bath. In winter...the feature is covered from violent north surge. We traverse a 1/4 mile of black volcanic rocks that look like lunar surface and come to the Bath.    It's a carved out circular pool with waves splashing up into it and schools of small tropical fish. The water is cool and there are several rock perches from where you can jump into the pool. Bring rubber shoes or rough it as there is slime, moss and hot rocks to walk around.   

We spend 45 minutes clowning around .   KT and I swim the periphery and dive down 10 ft into the fish. Ashleigh timidly jumps in / out. Jenny is the most freaked out by the sea life and only jumps off the rock ledge a few times.   We take some great pics and then head back for some surfing at Hanalei Bay.

Hanalei Bay was rated #1 in 2007 for beaches in Americas .   It is postcard perfect and we stop off at Bubba Burgers for quick lunch before trying to get back on the boards. Our Video Jug lessons from a noted Aussie surfer have told us exactly what we did wrong on Monday and we decide to still go it alone withou lessons. In fact....we have seen instructors and go out with a group. It appears that after the simple paddle tips, step up or stand up practice on the beach...it comes down to reading the waves. The instructors simple hold the boards w/ beginners at the right point in the surf to catch the waves as they change pace/sets.   
KT is tired and still a bit sick...so she packs it in early. Jenny tries and is too tired from the Queens Bath climbing to paddle sufficiently. The surf is small to medium and after getting the hang of it, Dean rides several waves before the lifeguards whistle everyone in due to a strong undertow.     We walk the beach ....to the pier...watch some bigger wave surfers at the point, and then back to the room for dinner and early bed.  



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