Going home

Saturday, October 17, 2015
Kloten, Zurich, Switzerland
Up early and had breakfast at the hotel. Now waiting for the Gate to be announced so we can go there....bought some Talisker Skye Scotch at Duty Free....but everything else was outrageously expensive....a 400 Gm bar of Toblerone was 16.40 SFr....about $25.00. Our bags have been checked through in Montreal so hopefully we get on the first flight...
Well,we had a really nice flight from Zurich to Montreal...great crew, good Swiss food and wine.....even a white Reisling from Graubunden.....small world eh!....too sweet for me so I went first with a white Rioja from Spain and then a Red from G.... Had venison pate and salad,stuffed chicken with Redbeet couscous and yummy Brezen rolls..slept for a couple of hours.....the flight is 8 so also watched The Woman In Gold with Helen Mirren.....very good movie..
Managed to get through Customs, pick up our bags, recheck them and get to the gate....separate middle seats but at least we are on...another 5 hours and my ears are acting up....my right one is not popping and is quite painful....and! The he joy of flying with a cold.. Can't say I'm impressed with many of the AC or Customs people....not very friendly....miss the Swiss and Portuguese friendliness for sure..We are getting picked up by W tor P so should be home around 9 PM Vancouver time....6 AM Zurich time....love these connecting routes..
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