Sunshine in Paris!

Friday, May 09, 2014
Paris, Ile-de-France, France
We woke up late and had a great breakfast of cheese, eggs and fried tomatoes before shopping at Franprix for a few items. Now we are off to walk south to the area around the Louvre and Notre Dame before heading over to Luxembourg Gardin. It's a better weather day...windy and sunny with clouds scraping through. We walked down Rue Sebastapol to the Seine, then across to the 5th and eventually stopped at Place de Sorbonne for a beer. The fountains were on and the sun shining so it was very pleasant to sit and people watch. We then walked to St Suplice via Luxembourg garden and looked at the WW1 display they have established. It's a huge map to show the various armies and national influences during and after the war. We sat on the fountain at St Suplice for a while in the sun which was very pleasant and then walked to St Germain to have a drink at La Palette was full with many waiting. So we sat instead at Cafe Mazarine down the block instead and Claire and I had a Kir and W had a Leffe. Then we were off to Le Relais EntrecĂ´te for dinner which was awesome as always....sat by the window and watched all the tourists squeeze in to the tables. We later finished and walked down Rue de Seine to Amoino for Ice Cream which was super yummy....then walked home.....lots of walking today for sure.
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