Sunday in Paris

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Last day in Paris for Claire so it was her choice for things to we decided to explore the 11 arrondissement and some of the restaurants that David Lebovitz has described in his blog. so after a late breakfast of fresh baguette and croissants we started walking up Rue Reamur, past the Musee Art + Métier which is partly housed in Avery old's the Science and Technology Museum. As it was a sunny day,at least at that time, and we found the Marché aux Enfants Rouge at 39 Rue Bretagne....built in 1615, it's the oldest covered market in Paris and is full of little food stalls of fresh produce, meat and food to eat from everywhere...there was Japanese Bento boxes, Italian, Caribean, African, Lebanese, Hamburgers etc, etc. Everyone eats at communal tables or little tables hidden in corners around the market. There were artisans selling stuff on the street and the place was hopping! Not a spot to be found!, We were really sorry we had just had breakfast! Definitely wouldn't go over well with the EHOs back at home
We went by along to Ave Republic to Blvd Richard Lenoir which is a wide tree lined blvd which eventually leads to Canal St Martin . We eventually found Rest Astier and Jeanne A both on Rue JP Timaud.....both were closing for the afternoon but we had coffee outside in the sunshine at a little neighborhood cafe just across the little park.....very friendly servers but unfortunately big black clouds quickly scuffed through and we had a minor Monsoon in we went inside and ended up having a piche of wine and people watched for awhile. A definitely a neighborhood place....lots of locals having brunch. D.L. Lives in the area and you can imagine why he likes it. Lots of restaurants/cafés/bars and interesting peoples....few tourists.
We then walked down to Place Bastille stopping to pick up a couple of Bagels from a place called Baglesteins and walked along to Place de Vosges where we found a park bench and enjoyed the cream cheese and bagels!! We had to find refuge again Unser the covered portico of the stores as another black cloud rolles through and it poured again☔️⚡️☔️☔️We checked out a string orchestra playing for the tourists ands the tea shop and some of the art and then made our way home via the Metro
Eventually we found ourselves back at home after picking up some Thai food to go at a place called Mom Thai...yummy Pad Thai and green curry and soup and rice.....very good and not expensive. We ended up watching old episodes of Modern Family and Person Of Interest. It was a nice cozy day!
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