Another rainy day ☔️☔️

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Paris, Ile-de-France, France
So it was sunny to start out this morning so we went shopping for Kara and found her a cute little bracelet at Blue Lemon on Rue Tiquetonne just down from Le Lezard. Stopped at Mariage Freres Tea shop as well but couldn't find a small container to take with us...May be I can find some in Zurich. Then we bought a pretty scarf at Bonobo on Rue Etienne Marcel .....took both presents home and it started pouring. So we thought we would try to find some other we walked right on Rue Reamur to the Bourse to Passage Vivienne, the to Passage Colbert where there are several Sorbonne depts, to Palais Royal and then to the food equipment store Dehillerin....quite the old dusty warehouse for everything you might need to cook.By this time it was pouring again so we stayed for awhile....then we walked down past Hotel de Ville eventually arriving at Cafe Julien on Rue Louis
Philippe where we had a coffee in the sun . We chatted with the young server who is taking Finance at Uni and is planning a Stagiere in Canada this of course we suggested he come to Vancouver. We eventually walked across to the Left Bank just in time to arrive at Shakespeare and was pouring again. We spent a very nice 45 minutes looking at the books and then decided to come home to finish off all the food we had in the fridge and of course the last bottle of wineso now we have packed and we may go back to Le Lezard for one last time
Also need to all Claire as she said her interview with the City of Maastricht went really well and we want all the details.
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