I have been remiss ......we arrived in Phoenix around 2:00 on Westjet and took the Arizona Shuttle (very cramped mini bus, with the 2 of us stuck in the very back), to Ina where Sandro and Beatice picked us up.they have a lovely 2 bedroom townhouse on Skyline ....the development is called Tierra Catalina. There is a bedroom and bathroom downstairs behind the kitchen and living room and then the master bedroom is upstairs in a loft with another huge bedroom and bath. They have a nice patio with a gorgeous view of Tucson. Very comfy. Beatrice cooked pasta for us and we had some yummy white wine and snaps and Poire William..
Sunday we lingered over breakfast and then went to Chicos to look around while the guys went to Best Buy. I found a new top for Xmas and a cami and then we explored Whole Foods for awhile. Later we drove to Tubac and on the way saw the Missiom of St Franci Xavier...an old sSpanishe mission begun in 1692 or so. Tubac had a huge craft Fair and some of the vendors had some very interesting stuff. Sandro and Beatice have furnished their house with Mexican furniture which really suits the environment. We went to a near by restaurant called North which was yummy.
Yesterday we drove up to Mt Lemon which is over 9,000 ft and the temp went down to 48 from 84... It went from desert to Saguaro cactus forest to oak forest to pine forest and semi alpine .....from Mexico to Canada in botanical terms. It was stunning......blue skies and rough rock and wind sculpted rocks. Natural springs and lots of cacti at the bottom.
Later Beatrice made yummy Dover sole and we enjoyed more wine and an evening on the patio.
Today we walked up to the shopping center near by and explored Crate and Barrel and the other upscale stores. Then we explored the Tohono Chul....its the Sonoran Botanical Garden....very interesting assortment of cacti, agave , trees like the ironwood, the Creosote bush, the mesquite and the desert willow......it was really interesting with tone of butterflies enjoying the flowering bushes. After 2 hours of exploring we had a beer and sandwich at the outside bistro and drove downtown to explore on the new tram. We e enthralled explored the downtown area and ate Thunder Canyon Brewery?.very yummy steak and fries and then back to the Frost store for great gelati. Now getting ready to leave for Sedona tomorrow. The evenings there will be quite a bit cooler. brr!! Time to turn in...will talk tomorrow.
Remembrance Day 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Tucson, Arizona, United States
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