Day 5: Last day in Prague, overnight to Budapest

Friday, September 30, 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
Szia (Hi) from Budapest!

Busy day yesterday, checked out of hotel at 11:00am and then homeless for the next 12 hours, day ending in an 8-hour overnight train to Budapest (more on that later) .

Walked over to Petrin Hill after checking out and storing our luggage for later. It's a large beautiful city park 15 minutes from the hotel with rose gardens, the 650-year old Hunger Wall (built as a public works project to employ and feed the hungry), and a miniature replica of the Eiffel Tower at the top of the hill. Climbed a couple of hundred stairs (who needs a Stairmaster?) to the observation deck at the top of the tower for some great vistas over Prague.

Dropped off at the train station for our 11:58pm all-night train to Budapest. This was a big experiment -- a private sleeping compartment with two beds and a sink so we wouldn't waste a full day traveling to the next destination and save on a hotel room. Sharon slept fine on the top bunk, a little insulated from the track noise, but my sleep was a bit more hard to come by because of occasional screeching loudness from the tracks and from passing trains.

There was even a shower in the car's restroom at the end of the hall, of which Mike took advantage with an early shower prior to our 8:30am arrival. Since the full cost was about $100, it worked out just fine. We'll do it again in a few days for our final leg to Krakow, Poland.

Szép napot! (Have a nice day!)

Mike and Sharon



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