Day 9: Dzien Dobry (Good Morning), Krakow

Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Krakow, Southern Poland, Poland
Dzien dobry, all!

Filling in the narrative on this blog entry on Wed Oct 5 morning, since yesterday was a full day of arrival in Krakow, getting our bearings (in more ways than one), tasting local Polish cuisine, browsing some markets, and seeing a few sights .  By evening, it was time for a good night's rest.

Which is what we did NOT get on the 11-hour overnight train ride from Budapest to Krakow the night before!

In retrospect, what had seemed to be a decent train ride and sleep in our cozy (very cozy) and little (VERY little) sleep compartment turned into a morning of a bad case of the wobbles and train travel sickness. Not sure if it was an inner ear thing, but especially with Mike, the ground under his feet felt like it was still constantly shifting like on a train, almost like a constant low-level earthquake. Didn't do wonders for the head or stomach, either, so we were lucky to be able to check right into our hotel at 8:30am, get some breakfast, and take a nap.

Woke up, showered, felt a little better, Googled 'train travel sickness,' and found that ginger could be a possible cure for it. Quickly reached for our bag of Gin-Gins, munched a few, and felt much better almost immediately . Brilliant!

Set out on foot for the Main Market Square, stopped off for a late lunch of an incredible plate of pierogi (Polish dumplings) stuffed with spinach (half with feta, half with sun-dried tomatoes) -- 10 for 40 zloty, about $2.50, which was plenty filling for both of us! The place was wonderful, like eating in the cook's kitchen.

The Square, the vibrant and colorful city center, is home to many historic landmarks, such as the Basilica of St. Mary, the Cloth Hall, and the Town Hall Tower. The Basilica was absolutely stunning, breathtaking, and jaw-dropping, though the pictures posted with this blog may not do it justice.

On the way back to the hotel, found a food stand with some piping hot pączki, a traditional Polish doughnut. These were stuffed with rose marmalade and had cinnamon frosting. We feasted on one -- absolutely delicious (pyszne)!

After dinner, went for a short stroll, then back to our lovely hotel to call it a night.

Today is our last day in Europe; early flight tomorrow AM.

 Do widzenia (good-bye)!

Mike and Sharon / Dad and Mom



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