September 5-7 Hurricane Dorian did not stop us

Thursday, September 05, 2019
Travel Resorts of America, North Carolina, United States
September 5-7, 2019                       Hurricane Dorian did not stop us!
Waking up after our travel down here, we expected to see dreary skies as evidence of Dorian expected arrival, instead we awakened to bright sunshine and BLUE Carolina skies! Is it gone?? Well no, the storm just was taking his time and the weather channel assured us  did not miss him! So after Deb walked the pups, we decided to go into Aberdeen VIA the GPS! Well we need to update the roads on our device because many of the suggested “turn here” commands would have left us in farmers fields or worse! We did get there and found,,,,… a WalMart, so we got to shop and tour at the same time!
We got back In time to enjoy a dip in the pool and about ½ hr in the hot tub! All those travel aches feel better after that warm water. Back at the Motorhome the weather man continued to warn about Dorian so we activated the weather radio and decided we might as well sleep!
Thursday morning continued warnings and now the skies took on that ominous look! The bands of rain started about noon and continued off and on so we went to the lodge to watch some news and post a previous BLOG. It had the only strong internet we could find . We seriously considered driving to see a movie at the AMC in Fayetteville but decided it was too far in this weather.  After a while we decided that cooking would be no fun tonight so we drove back into Aberdeen to the Golden Choral which welcomed us as seniors for a “special price”.
The food was plentiful, if not fantastic, and we shared stories of hurricanes past with the staff that did not seem concerned too much at all! The drive back to the motorhome was a bit more interesting as both the wind and the rain intensity increased! The NOAH radio told us the winds and rain would last until 2 or 3 AM but the severity was not expected to reach critical levels. Flashlights all charged up and  
2 AM I was awake listening to the wind blow and the pine trees swaying but it was not severe and it only lasted until about 3:30. At daybreak the skies were clear and blue! Wow what a change! ROADTRIP!
The South is where NASCAR was born, made famous and made lots of money and much like there are huge stadiums in the NORTH for football there are famous and infamous race tracks dotting the South where historic races and events take place! North Carolina and South Carolina are home to some of the great race tracks of NASCAR history and two of them lie just a few miles apart on each side of the Carolina border! Charlotte is just 70 miles west and famous Talladega just a smuge further west in Bama!
Rockingham, (the Rock) is one of the short 1.1 mile tracks. It was one of the famous tracks that built the NASCAR legends Deb and I went to a NASCAR race at the Rock a few years ago and the excitement of the crowds both inside and outside racetrack made the event so memorable! The track is being rebuilt for more racing and other entertainment to bring back that involvemet.
Then we crossed the border to South Carolina and just a slightly different atmosphere between the two Carolinas! South Carolina is a bit more agricultural while North Carolina has developed more industry. But 50 miles south we came up to the DARLINGTON RACEWAY between Pee Dee and Florence! HUGE track visible for miles and dominating the area! There is pride in the present and past of NASCAR clearly evident in commumity! A rare stop for Deb and I and the pups at Mc Donalds and then we drove the back roads back to camp. During our drive we saw some higher water and a few broken trees but little else to say Dorian was here!
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