We knew this area of the Carolina’s are known for the history
with the NASCAR support and history but on Saturday we discovered we got over
the air TV and subsequently football!! And the love of football is pretty
strong in this area also! Basketball may be a bit stronger but plenty of
football support too!
The LSU vs TEXAS game was on TV a great game and Deb and I
enjoyed the TV game and we were really happy that both our “home” teams, Bucks
and Bama, easily defeated their opponents!
I can say I really didn’t think I was missing TV until the games showed
up ! Of course usually we watch TV in the motor home via satellite but this
year we changed providers (Direct to Dish) and we didn’t bring our Dish with us!
We survived more than 8 weeks without TV but then again,,,,……
Sunday and Monday Sept. 8 and 9
While out driving Sunday, looking at scenery, we “Discovered”
that we were in the artist pottery area and several smaller roads were
identified as “Pottery Highway”.
We were enjoying the rolling hills and area
closer to the coast, but by the time we realized we were in pottery country it
was a little too late in the day to explore!
We decided to go back and with a map, see if we could
discover this pottery history.
Well, the first several stops were closed but we
did discover Bulldog Pottery ( no Joke that was the lucky name) and we drove
back into the woods a good way to find a rustic artist shop open! Deb went in,
while Jake and I waited in the Jeep fighting off the various biting bugs! NO ONE
WAS there but the beautiful art was lit up on display in this old building.
Soon, a real nice man showed up and began discussing the
history of pottery making in North Carolina and some of the really beautiful
examples he and his daughter had made as well as a few other collectables!
There is the “KEY word” collectable =
pricey! But I did find a $600 plate that
looked impressive and some $60 cups to sip Wal Mart or Winn Dixie wine from!
He directed us to some more mainline shops not off the road,
that were more in line with the budget if not the taste we had indicated and
told us most of the artist shops were closed on Sunday and Monday to allow for
being open on Saturday! Then his little pug size dog discovered Jakey in the
Jeep and ran over to greet Jake! It was so cute to see a dog, maybe 12 inches
tall, try to reach up 5 feet to say hi to a Lab! His sweet owner picked him up
and held him to the window for the doges to greet one and other.
Let’s admit that we drove South before North and East before
West, but just short of Virginia it seems we found a open store that had a good
variety in Seagrove N.C. Deb found an item or two and I found a Christmas “reason
for the season” sign! All and all we found there is a lot more in this area if
your able to drive the back roads into the trees a way, and you may be
surprised by the things you find!
We did consider a movie in Fayetteville but it was the date
the President was flying into Fayetteville so we figured another day for a
movie would be less traffic!*-