The journey begins

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Antigua, Guatemala
Well, I made it safe and sound to Guatemala, but my luggage did not! Since we are only here until tomorrow morning (and only 5 am at that!) I was a tad worried. But fortunately, it made it here today and all is well. I went for a brief tour of some of the nearby villages and historic churches this morning with three other members of the GAP group. I had originally booked a city tour, but the only available guide had apparently double booked or something, so the village tour it was! It helps not to be too particular when traveling, especially in certain parts of the world.
A couple of the sights on the tour of the historic villages near Antigua:

On our tour, we stopped by a jade factory. I had told our guide that I spoke a little Spanish, so he had the factory owner give the spiel in Spanish while I translated to the rest of our group. I did pretty well, considering my rust.

Had a wonderful lunch of chicken, rice, beans, and a 20 oz diet coke for barely 2 dollars this afternoon as I wandered through the local market. I was planning on going back later to buy some clothes had my luggage not arrived.

I meet the rest of the group tonight at 7 for dinner and introductions, and then tomorrow morning we are off at 5 am to Honduras.



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