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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Boquete, Boquete, Panama
Much cooler here in Boquete. Should be nice for activities over the next few days. Kayaking, hiking, etc.

Update from home:

I went white-water kayaking the first day. First half of the day was learning the basics; after lunch was actually kayaking down class 1 and 2 rapids for 3 or so miles. I loved the kayaking, even though I was awful at it. I flipped seven times and had bruises all over my thighs and butt from the rocks. A fun, but exhausting and humbling experience.

That evening, we went to a natural hotsprings were we soaked away our sore muscles. (Most people in the group had gone hiking that day, so between them and us three kayakers, there were plenty of aches to go around.)

The next day, I walked to the local garden in Boquete and did some souvenir shopping.



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