Hello from Monte Carlo

Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Monte Carlo  officially refers to an administrative area of the Principality of Monaco, where the Monte Carlo Casino is located. The population of Monaco  is 35,000. Monaco has four traditional quarters. From west to east they are: Fontvieille (the newest), Monaco-Ville (the oldest), La Condamine, and Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo (literally "Mount Charles") is situated on a prominent escarpment at the base of the Maritime Alps along the French Riviera. Near the quarter's western end is the world-famous Place du Casino, the gambling centre  which has made Monte Carlo "an international byword for the extravagant display and reckless dispersal of wealth".
The House of Grimaldi is associated with the history of the Republic of Genoa, Italy, and of the Principality of Monaco. The current head of the family is Albert II of Monaco, Sovereign Prince of Monaco, son and successor of Prince Rainier III and the princess consort Grace of Monaco, formerly Grace Kelly.
We arrived by train, it only took 20 minutes from Nice. The Monaco Grand Prix starts tomorrow and Monte Carlo was very busy. It is unbelievable the amount of work that goes on to host this Grand Prix. Getting around was proving to be a bit difficult. So we jumped on the hop on hop off bus. Mark was horrified when the driver asked if he was a senior??? It was very funny but we were both happy to be seniors for today and take the discount. It was a great idea and we got to see a lot more than we would of by just walking around. We got off the bus at the Monte Carlo Casino. We sat in a cafe/bar and watched the cars go by. I had to get my bag checked to go into the cafe, which was different. Wow, it was like being in a movie and you were having a parade  of the the most expensive cars in the world driving past you. We did see some young guy who was very famous on his bike as the cameras and film crew were close by. We went into the Casino and Mark was scanned, security it tight here. Police were everywhere here directing traffic and checking on cars/trucks left unattended.
We walked the Grand Prix track and had a quick glance of pit lane. It was then on to the Marina where a huge number of super yachts lined the shores. More money on the water than we have ever seen. Unbelievable, mind blowing and they were loading crates of champagne, beers and flowers on as we walked past. What a day and we were glad to experience it but also glad to return to Nice.
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You two look like you are having an amazing time. Beautiful photos. xx


Hi Guys Some interesting Pictures here? I see Mark is still keeping a close watch on all those beautiful pleasure crafts? seems like a busy place, with plenty to see? stay well you two!! be careful what you eat and drink! Love Robert & Robyn


Hi Guys looks like you are having a lovely time Photos are postcard quality and will be great to look back on. The buildings and scenery are amazing. Don’t see many people on the streets must be too cold. Warm weather here. Enjoy the commentary lot of history. Amazing


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