We have arrived in beautiful Norfolk Island for a long awaiting “Bank” approximately 35 year reunion. Mark “Kip” and I were accompanied by Robyn and Peter Yabsley “Yabs”, Alice and Bob Whetton “Jack”., Wendy and Matt Hohnberg “Yogi”, Wendy and Barry Soley “Marbles”, Carolyn and Ray Lindwall “Cricket”. We are so appreciative for Wendy and Marbles and Wendy’s sister Tania for organising the local bookings to enhance our wonderful experience here in Norfolk. Once you get here you realise everyone has a nickname. The local phone book even had the nicknames attached to numbers.
Norfolk Island was a penal colony for the British colony of New South Wales during the periods 1788–1814 and 1825–1855. In 1856 it was settled by former inhabitants of the second largest of the Pitcairn Islands. The Pitcairn Islanders were descendants of Fletcher Christian and Bounty mutineers, together with Tahitian women. Pitcairn Island was unable to support 200 inhabitants, and Queen Victoria offered them land grants equivalent to a third of the then available land on Norfolk Island.
Approximately one third of the permanent residents of Norfolk Island are descendants of Pitcairn Islanders, with the remainder split between people originating from Australia and New Zealand. The permanent population of the island is about 1800 people.
We arrived at “Channers” which was a perfect location to town and accommodated all of us with a big house for us to use and entertain in.
Each of us had a own little cars to drive around the island. First stop was drink and food supplies. Lucky Marbles gathered some alcohol before the island shortage, with the local liquor “bond” store with lots of empty shelves.
With a quick drive around Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Heritage site and Emily Bay, to take in this beautiful un gated history of the island. With a couple of drinks, then to the local RSL Club for dinner and raffles. Such a beautiful embracing community where cars and houses are always unlocked. Everyone waves and the people are so down to earth and kind.
We arrived at the RSL and “wow” what a night. I knew we were in for the interesting experience when the guy in front of me was helping himself to the change, lol.
The lady organising the raffles was known as “Miss Norfolk” a 80 year old lady who had a lovely purpose here at the RSL. We got in trouble for having large notes and taking all the change. Every night they have a 7pm ode to the fallen Norfolk soldiers and a local veteran reciting it, very moving. The boys got to reacquaint with some familiar locals. Drinks were well priced but Mark reminded me not as good as $1 Tooheys New cans they use to get. Mark could only recall garlic bread on the menu, but the food and local “trumpeter” fish such a delicious dish. The raffle commenced and they quickly realised they had sold 2 of the same number tickets with 2 people awaiting prizes for 1 winning number, only in Norfolk. Robyn won and her prize was a petrol voucher from Marbles service station, what are the chances!! Lots of laughter and a great 1st day. Awaiting the Queenslanders to arrive tomorrow (Bob and Alice, Cricket and Carolyn, Marbles and Wendy).
All looks great, saw the guns, troy has most of them! Dad PS.I had to do about 10 of those stupid images, before I could send this? I won't try again!! some of the images are blurred and you can't even see them properly, so I can't be bothered, Why do they have them ? very frustrating!!
How nice to see you two exploring again, and Norfolk, what a historical and lovely place, I can see you are enjoying your selves. It’s great to see. Love Anka