Leaving Millmerran

Monday, October 03, 2016
Bouldercombe, Queensland, Australia
We were awake early, well, Rick was, so after my coffee and cereal in bed, I was up too.

With fond farewells to our camping companions we were on the road by 8am . We headed north to Dalby then west to Miles before turning off the Warrego Highway and stopping for lunch at Taroom, Rick's father's birthplace.

Continuing on, we were able to make Bouldercombe by 5pm. The enticement for the driver was the little pub beside the free camp, where we had drinks in our hands five minutes after pulling up. We sat with people from WA who were camping near us. They were travelling with Tank, their lovely old dog who reminded us of our Boofhead.

Back at the Mouse House , we were kept cool by the wild south easterly wind that blew all night.
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