Our next stop was Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin which is the county seat of Door County. Door County is roughly 300 miles of coastline stretching along the eastern Lake Michigan side and the western Green Bay side of the peninsula islands with quaint New England type towns and communities.
It is home to 3 state parks, 8 county parks, many local parks and 15 natural areas and preserves
A truly beautiful place to visit. I love to travel through the countryside and stop in each town and prowl through all the unique shops. Was limited with the ability to do this very much this year as it us not a favorite activity of kids. I did find an antique wrought iron single bed that I have been looking for for quite some time. Want to put it in the yard and use as an herb garden or flower bed.
Tranquil Timbers campground is where we set up camp for our ten day visit. We were right next to our dear friends Robin and Steve who live there 6 months of the year. The campground has many folks who have permanent sites and use them for summer and weekend retreats. All the neighbors were friendly and seem to have developed their own small community. Robin had prepared dinner the night we arrived and served her mom's famous homemade spaghetti. It was delicious. Some camping neighbors of theirs came over and joined us.
Robin and her grandson, Cole, went with Elena and me to Hands On art Studio located at Fish Creek for our first venture. It is a supervised do-it-yourself studio that allows you to make projects fusing glass, making jewelry, metal sculpture, mosaics, and spin art. Elena and Cole chose to try making a project using glass and having it fused together. They had a great time and both did an amazing piece of artwork
Rob is working on several large projects, so he spent mornings until early afternoons working. Robin and I kept the kids busy. On the way to pick up the art projects the following day we stopped at a working dairy farm, where we could see the cows being milked and feasted on their homemade ice cream. Everyone enjoyed the tiny 3 newborn ponies that were on display with their moms.
Elena spent one day at a stable shadowing one of the ranch hands. She was able to go on all three trail rides that day and help out with the horses. She had a great day. Her favorite horse was "Remy" who lost an eye to cancer 18 years ago. When we picked her up she smelled a bit like a horse- so a shower was in short order.
Elena was able to finish sewingI all the blocks together for the top of her quilt. She is very proud of herself and should be. Yesterday I layered the quilt top, batting, and quilt bottom together so we can begin hand tieing it together
The campground had a nice pool so we spent some time enjoying it. Also took Cole and Elena to ride go carts at a local amusement center at Egg Harbor. Rob and I joined in the fun and had a great time.
We spent a fun evening at Jason and Kristen's Albertson's house. We all contributed something for dinner and the kids had a great time on their zip line.
A large group of us went to Jacksonport County Park for a cookout and a day of kayaking, catamaranning, and swimming. Great fun however the water is still a cold 55 degrees in Lake Michigan.
Elena and Cole are close in age and really had a good time together. They both love to play Minecraft- so it was a great bond. Elena was actually able to FaceTime and play Minecraft with her best friend back in Valencia on a regular basis.
We are currently en route to Indiana Dunes State Park. It is located at the tip of Lake Michigan East of Gary Indiana. It is said to have white sandy beaches and huge sand dunes . A very popular campground as there were only 2 spots available when we made our reservation.
Life is good.
Door County, Wisconsin
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, United States
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Great visit. Miss you already!