Indiana Dunes State Park

Friday, July 24, 2015
Chesterton, Indiana, United States
We all loved, loved, loved this park. It is located at the lower tip of Lake Michigan. Feel very fortunate to have found this little piece of paradise. Also feel very lucky to have scored a campsite. People book up to a year in advance and the park stays at 100% occupancy over the summer. In addition to great campsites- we had a beautiful white sandy beach surrounded by very large and steep sand dunes. We accepted the 3 dune challenge and were able to complete all three climbs. Was an intense workout going up, but coming down was super fun.

The weather was perfect during our stay- averaged 75-85 degrees . We were able to ride our bikes from the campsite to the beach. The beach was covered with small colored rocks that have been sanded over the years into all sizes, shapes and thicknesses. Elena collected several bucketfuls and we sat for long periods of time making rock collages by glueing them together and then spaying them with a clear gloss.

One section of the beach allowed dogs, so we walked Jolene and Molly over. They both love water and enjoyed going in for a swim.

We had great fun in the evenings competing in ladder toss and paddle ball.

We all agreed that we would have like to have stayed a couple more days, but onward bound. Next stop is outside Indianapolis, where we will go on a zip line obstacle course tomorrow morning.

Life is Good!


Shirley Scott

So thrilled the three of you keep adding on awesome adventures and magnificent memories. Your blog is a great item to share as well as a reminder of your vacation.


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