Day 10, 14 October. Didn't realise that the campsite only took cash which meant a trip to an ATM in the nearest village. Great coffee spot overlooking salt lagoons, with flamingos, of the Giens peninsular. Stopped in Hyeres which is a fine town getting an uplift to its roads, pavements, gardens and houses. Continuing along the coast, through La Lavandou to Camping Pramousquier between La Lavandou and Cavaliere sur Mer. Cloudy today then a drip drip in the evening.
Day 11 and a bike ride today. The campsite is conveniently beside a disused rail track going both east and west. We biked east to the botanical gardens at Domaine du Royal Lovely secluded gardens together with an Art Deco hotel. Carried on cycling to Cavaliere sur Mer which is trippy and not at all attractive. Back at the campsite we checked out the very local beach. Very cool, laid back and playing Cuban music so had a beer, as you do !! Sunny and warm today. we might stay here a few nights
Day 12, 16 October. Rain overnight and a cool cloudy start to the day. Took the bus to St Tropez, the fare was only EU2.50 each. Surprisingly quiet maybe because of the weather. Surprised by the small old centre and by the designer shops housed in very small premises. As you can imagine the waterfront was lined with huge yachts. Looked for celebs but didn't see any !!. On the whole we were disappointed
Day 13 and another cloudy day. Did some local sightseeing today in Scamper. To the market in Le Lavandou with lots of local produce, as usual ! Then onto Bormes les Mimosas above Lavandou. A beautifully kept medieval village of narrow windy streets and alleys
18 October and another local sightseeing day. Camping Pramousquier is a very good campsite and a good base for sightseeing the local area. To Ramatuelle on the peninsular near St Tropez. Another beautifully preserved hill village, spectacular views, potted plants surrounded by vineyards. Then onto Pampelonne beach but the beach was covered in seaweed and flotsam so not looking its best not helped by the gloomy weather. Onto Gassin, another hill village but not so interesting as Ramatuelle. Back to the campsite and beers on the beach and the threatening weather improving during the afternoon
Its day 15, 19 October and we are still at Camping Pramousquier !! Visited the hill town of Collombrieres and underwhelmed. It is the chestnut capital but hardly a chestnut in sight ?? Back to camp and late afternoon on (you guessed it) the beach. Sunny all day