Last ride on a dog sled and heading back home

Sunday, March 06, 2016
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Got packed up and out the door with an overcast sky and 0 degrees. Earlier and quicker breakfast got us to the dog yard and harnessing by about 10:00. My nieces husband and I each had a three dog team, my niece rode on the snow machine with Jennine and Ned followed a bit later with 12 dogs, 3 empty sleds and him riding another snow machine. This was the best ride yet for me. Barely needed to drag at all, was able to keep a better distance behind the first team, Jennine was way up front so didn't hear the snow machine. It was perfect!
Got to the Lake Labarge landing about 12:30 . There was another group waiting to go in. We loaded up or gear into a van and were brought back to Whitehorse and checked in at a hotel. I had a quick bowl of clam chowder for lunch, then a shower and was going to nap but the smoke alarm went off a few times, so asked for maintenance to fix it, which they did, and by then it was time to catch the shuttle with my niece for the airport to rent a car. 

Took care of that and then spent 1 1/2 hours at the Beringia Interperative Centre. A very interesting place. I learned that northern Yukon was not covered in ice during the last ice age. Who knew? After that we picked up our swimming gear, had an A&W supper and drove out to Takhini Hot springs. It was quite busy, but it was nice to relax and just mellow ... but no Northern Lights. Too much cloud cover to even see the stars. Back in town by 9:00. Got packed and ready for an early get-up for my 7:30 flight back to YVR. 

The flight was excellent, starting with a gorgeous sunrise soon after take off. I'd recommend flying with AirNorth to anyone heading to the Yukon. 

It was a wonderful experience, even though we never did see the aurora! 

I'm still smiling. 

*****  When there is a huge solar spill, it's just called a 'nice day' :) *****


Michele and jerry

Thank you for making us smile along with you


What a wonderful trip, thanks for posting it, made me feel like I was mushing along with you!


Was Minnie with you on this trip? The two of you certainly do get out and about :). We are also away right now but will be home on the 13 th. I will call you when I'm home as I have been thinking so much about you but haven't picked up a phone. Sooo much to catch up on. I want to see pics of your grand babies. My Kate is getting married this June. Woo Hoo :)


Hey Judy ... what a great trip. Thanks for bringing us along with all the great photos.


Judy, thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Your great photos and stories brought us along for the ride!


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