Human Rights Museum and waiting for a train

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Started the day with a classy breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then I went back up to see if I could sleep a bit (I could feel a cold coming on) and Debbie left to do a bit of shopping. I was up again and on my way before lunch, to visit the Museum of Human Rights. Very interesting architecture and design and some very heavy subject matter. There were some displays I couldn’t spend much time in. But, it truly is well done and makes you realize how badly the human race took a wrong turn sometimes, how far we’ve come and how much farther we’ve yet to go in many areas. The various displays and levels are joined by long uphill corridors meant to reflect the struggles for Human Rights. 

Debbie met me there, just as I was visiting the last display … perfect timing … and from there we went back to The Forks Market and checked out the upper level . I also bought some herbal remedies with the hopes they would prevent my cold from getting too much worse. 
By then we were pretty much killing time until we boarded our train, so we made our way to the Spaghetti Factory for supper. I asked if they were busy, hoping they would put us in a corner and forget about us for awhile. The head waiter looked at me like I was crazy, and said, yes, they were busy and within seconds a stream of girls and their parents started going in. There were 125 plus … I counted! It was a dance group/convention or something. Anyway, we got a nice table, a lovely waitress and a nice meal. By then it was dark, so we went back once more to our hotel, had a drink in the restaurant/lounge and listened to the piano player for awhile, got our luggage and carefully made our way to the ViaRail station. There’d been some freezing rain and the sidewalks were very icy.
We checked in with ViaRail, knowing that our 10:30 p.m. departure, was a few hours late and settled down for a long wait. Met some really nice people and chatted with them, which helped pass the time. One guy was just going down the line about two hours and was going to be dropped off at the yellow bucket hanging in a tree. His brother has a shack there and he’d done this before. In fact, one time he forgot his flashlight so the conductor walked him through the bush to the house, to make sure he got there safely. 

Anyway, the train finally arrived at about 2:00 a.m. and we boarded at 2:30. Winnipeg is a stop for some crew changes, refuelling, taking on water, unloading, reloading, and whatever else they need to do. The train left the station at 3:30 and after putting our stuff into our little cabin, we went up to the dome car to watch the city lights go by for a little while, but I was tired and feeling worse by the minute, so I was very happy to crawl into the bunk and let the train rock me to sleep.



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