Moving on…

Saturday, May 09, 2020
Sunshine Coast Regional District, British Columbia, Canada
So, slowly the distancing was feeling more normal, hand washing was really drying out my hands and some tweeters were doing their best to maintain their daily routines:
Others were having serious travel withdrawal:
and still others had a great time making music:
and then there were those who were just plain bored:
I was still walking twice a day, often at the local provincial park — circuiting through the campground lanes makes for an ideal walk — and contemplating gardening. After all, it looks like I won’t be going far this summer. 
But first I needed to face a trip to the grocery store. My first foray wasn’t too bad as it was only about 10 days after the ‘stay home’ orders and things hadn’t really heated up yet. There were already a few shoppers wearing masks but I planned it for the end of the day on a Friday and the store was pretty much empty. The TP section was definitely cleaned out (I’d stocked up already), the hand sanitizer was all gone (I made my own) but I got enough food to last for two weeks and then some. I was a bit surprised that they wouldn’t let my use my own bags because I’ve been doing so well reducing my plastic consumption, but I was nearly out of garbage bags, so, I justified it that way.
A heartwarming story re: TP (click on it to read the whole story):
Two weeks later was a different story. Again I planned it for the end of the day, Saturday this time, and went prepared to practice wearing my mask, which I did, but it was weird how nervous I was about going into the store. There was someone at the entrance counting how many people were inside already but, again, the store was practically empty, I had my grocery list arranged according to the layout of the aisles I needed to visit, and I was done and out of there in about 20 minutes, this time with paper bags. I’ve only been in twice since then (no mask) and now there are distancing markers on the floor and there is plexi-glass in front of the cashiers. I guess that’s how it will be from now on.
My next project involved yeast. Seemed like everyone on Twitter was baking bread and I came upon a recipe for making cinnamon buns in a slow cooker. Sounded good! So, I very carefully (yeah, right) followed the instructions and, my goodness, they sure smelled good as they were rising and then baking — memories of my mom’s baking (she was the best!) — and it all looked wonderful until I tried to get them out of the pot. I gave them a few extra minutes to bake because I didn’t totally trust the recipe and ended up with them burnt on to the sides and hard as a rock about two inches into the centre. Plus, I reduced the salt (too much is bad for you I’m told) and they tasted flat and boring. Another project I don’t need to repeat.
Meanwhile, out in the larger world, people were starting to cheer for the front-line workers in the evening, which is wonderful, but really you can’t eat applause! Pay them better! I sure hope we learn from this who REALLY matters — it’s not the billionaires.
Again, I’ll leave you with some music ... enjoy!  Also, Thanks! ... for all the lovely comments and emails. It pleases me to know people are enjoying my ramblings.

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