Well, I’m back in my home office (on the couch) thinking back to early April — seems like forever ago! Daffy had a dental appointment coming up so I thought she should probably have a haircut because she’d put on quite a heavy coat over the winter. I had all the equipment laid out, the 1/2” attachment ready for the clippers, the bench in place with a blanket for her to stand on … ready to go.
She is really good about standing still for me even though I’m a total amateur at this. Just so you know, she has no vanity regarding how it turns out. Thank Goodness! Anyway, I turned on the clippers and started on her side, took a few swipes, thought it seemed a bit short, made a few passes on her shoulders, looked at the clippers and realized I’d forgotten to put on the attachment! Poor girl was getting shaved down to the skin and it was still cold out there! I was horrified, but what to do. I figured she’d look like she had mange if I carried on with the 1/2” attachment in place, but down to the skin was just too much, so she ended up with a 1/8” cut. It was pretty obvious (still is if you know where to look) that I’d screwed up -- hence the Covid-cut. She wore a coat for awhile when we went out.
Anyway, got her to the vet the next week. I had to drop her off (8:30 a.m.), couldn’t go inside; they came out to the parking lot to get her. Finally said she was ready to come home at 5:30 p.m. She came home with 15 fewer teeth in her mouth. FIFTEEN! No wonder she had bad breath once in awhile.
Dogs have 42, so, she isn’t toothless by any means, but good lord, that’s a lot of teeth at once. Clearly she’s a whole lot older than the 3 or 4 years I thought she was.
Of course, this entailed a soft food diet for a few weeks — no problem — but then the vet said she should probably stay on it because she also had a not-so-good result regarding her blood test and 'liver' numbers (whatever that means). So, sure, fine, except that it’s $5/can and she should get 1 1/2 per day. Ummm, I think not! That’s more than what it costs to feed myself somedays. I know I agreed to treat her like family, but, hey, not like royalty!
So, Daffy’s a happier dog, she got a haircut and I’m thinking I could use a trim too, especially my bangs. Her scissors are nice and sharp, she even has thinning shears, so, why not? No one has said anything. I guess it must have turned out alright.
In the meantime, life goes on, time goes by more quickly than I could have ever imagined, we’re still walking lots but can’t go to the provincial campground anymore because it’s closed.
Spring has sprung and we’re getting used to the new normal. The weather around here has been extraordinarily wonderful; clear blue skies and nature completely oblivious to the fact that the people are dealing with a major world crisis.
BC seems to be doing a good job of following Dr. Henry’s advice. She has her own twitter fan club, songs written especially for her and gorgeous shoes designed just for her, proceeds to go to BC Foodbanks
... and John Prine died of Covid-19.
For the most part I’m feeling pretty good about things even though any plans for travelling are on hold. I’ve got a few projects in the works regarding music and I’m putting in serious time on a ‘renovated’ garden (more about that next time).
So, I’ll end today’s epistle with links to a variety of things:
Came across this on Twitter -- reflects my sentiments nicely: https://twitter.com/IrfanDhalla/status/1249807844729335809/photo/1
… and this, which is practical advice on where to worry about getting the virus: https://twitter.com/i/events/1261403584547168258
Something from a very clever (or very bored) librarian. Read the titles: https://twitter.com/sjandrews76/status/1259265647369875456/photo/1
... and something for the teachers -- a trick question ... and yes, this was an actual survey on twitter:
Should schools in Alberta be forced to teach children Arabic Numerals as part of their curriculum?
Yes: 63%
No: 37%
24,756 votes · Final results
Here are some links re: what the world looks like with less pollution and fewer people:
Dutch gardens that are closed to the public for the first time in 71 years! Stunning photos:
A photo of the Himalayas which people haven’t seen clearly for decades: https://twitter.com/tveitdal/status/1248133402546536448
Jellyfish in Venice: https://twitter.com/TomthunkitsMind/status/1261485587779014656
Animals around the world: https://twitter.com/RedPBlueP/status/1255252494101422081
And since this started off being about my dog, I have to post some great tweets/videos regarding dogs:
Dog photo shoot: https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1258515558586187778
It’s hot in here! https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1258155994565181441
Chicks magnet: https://twitter.com/bigbossserdar/status/1257280704267915265
Remember Olive & Mabel from a few blogs ago? Now they're in a Zoom mtg: https://twitter.com/MrAndrewCotter/status/1259931151403290624
Pluto (and the Buddha belly):
Pluto, by the way, has a series of hilarious YouTube clips with advice and commentary re: two-leggeds.
Her creator is a wild-life photographer and has some amazing photos on his website: https://www.njwight.com
... and I just have to share this from Twitter!
I just told my partner that A&W stands for "amburgers and wootbeer" only to find out my mother lied to me. What other lies have I been made to believe??
I read the other part of your email and not this. So you answered my questions. I think Daffy looks great! Looks like you're staying busy. Continue on! love, Elizabeth