I heard there was some very good hiking in the Palm Springs
area and not only way up on top of Mount San Jacinto or in Joshua Tree National
Park. Of course, much of the year would
be too hot for hiking at the lower elevations, but in November it was pretty
close to just right weatherwise.
Most of the good hiking places are in the canyons on the
Agua Caliente Indian Reservation at the southern end of Palm Springs. It’s one
of several reservations of the Cahuila tribe native to the interior regions of
southern California. Their Indian Canyons natural area is located between the
higher ground of the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains and involves a small
entrance fee of $9 per person. The map indicates a quite extensive system of
trails through the hills and canyons, but the best-known hike is in Palm Canyon,
a few miles through a lush riparian landscape of California Fan Palms in a
sheltered canyon. I ended up getting a fairly late start in early afternoon so
only was able to do a four mile loop up the Palm Canyon Trail and back via the
Victor Trail which runs through the rocky hills above the canyon. It’s not as
much hiking as I wanted to do in the area but was very pretty in the late
afternoon light.
This looks like a very cool, awesome place !!